[] Obsidian Juggernaut Witchblade [sr 75] general crusher

Hey all,

I have been very much out of the loop. However this is a build I start up the game for and smash some things. So why not share it. Again no idea of competitive value or comparison against other similar projects.


-Weapon and build core: Obsidian Juggernaut
-Armor: Full Rah’Zin
-Hands: Unchained Might
-Feet: Voidwalker
-Medal: Mark of Consumption
-Relic: Eldritch Pact
-Legs: Demonbone
-Rings: Manical Creeping Ring of Attack & Voidheart
-Head: Eldritch Gaze

Weapon: Seal of Blades
Head: Leathery Hide
Shoulder: Sacred Plating
Belt: Ugdenbog Leather
Legs: Spellscorched Plating
Chest: Chains of Oleron
Feet: Spellscorched Plating
Hands: Consecrated Wrapings
Rings: Runebound Topaz
Amulet: Seal of Annihilation
Medal: Arcane Spark



reserved for stuff

Use of the build
It is very simplistic how i use it and that is you shadowstep on their toes and start blade arcing away. Keep dreeg up and time it right to activate as a heal may you need it. Other than that you do have the tremor skill as well from the juggernaut itself, which is sometimes maybe good to use as it is a mid range skill. So you can hit something without being on their toes. Think of annoying enemies that have some kind of hit that is too much.