Hi everyone, I was going to update Sentinel version of this setup but then decided to give Dervish a shot. It was not bad at first but when I gave up from Misery and all the skill points and included the ABB with 3 piece Venomblade, it really shined.
PS: This is not a whole guide but merely a showcase
Image from the game with perma buffs, RF stacks and LA buff on
Helmet crafted with freeze, shield crafted with stun resist.
SR 75-76 Complete Run
SR 85 Complete Run
SR 90 Complete Run
Ravager of Minds
No change maded. Used health, OA&DA, bleeding resist, lifesteal and armor pharma. Added Aether Cluster to the skillbar but didn’t need to use it, though Ravager killed me while he’s dying so maybe I should have Didn’t want to record again, as you can see if you pay attention to your cooldowns fight is not hard and no need to kite.
Avatar of Mogdrogen
Changed two chaos augment into lightning. Used health, OA&DA, lightning resist and lifesteal pharma. Added Aether Cluster to the skillbar but didn’t use, fight is pretty easy.
Crate of Entertainment
No change maded. Used health, OA&DA, regen, lifesteal consumables. Added Aether Cluster and Armor pharma to the skillbar but didn’t use them.
Changed two chaos augments into pierce. Used health, OA&DA, lifesteal, regen and armor pharma along with 1x Aether Cluster.