[] SR boss room not ending

Just a heads-up, this bug seems to still be ocurring. Was just in a boss room that took about 30 seconds to end after the last enemy died. Doesn’t seem to be tied to anything I was doing. I’m playing an Infiltrator with Runes but all runes were already detonated/timed out about 20 seconds before the rift finally ended. The rift ended after me running around the arena for a bit looking for a potential straggler. The enemies in the room were Ekket’Zul (killed 1st), Valdaran (2nd), Margul the Rotting (3rd) and Grava’Thul (4th).

probably margul that had some some out of bounds spawns or stuff that did that weird “frozen” death thingy the game was waiting for :thinking:
at least that’s my guess from it seemingly happening more frequent when Mr beetle appears

If the boss room ended, then that is not the same issue and it seems that ultimately things cleared out.

Oh, then that bug must have been very rare indeed. I play SR a decent amount and I’ve never had a case where the boss room literally never ended. But I’ve had cases in prior patches where instead of the room ending in 30 seconds like it did here, it ends in a minute, or two, or four and a half, just randomly.

Seems not worth a new thread:
Just some days ago my SR70 boss room had only ONE enemy (Grava). Was a normal boss room, no special one ofc.

You’re onto something there. I just did a boss room where Margul appeared and when I killed him, he didn’t spawn his usual batch of maggots from the corpse. So I thought hm, reminds me of what Inqui mentioned, let’s see if the boss room bugs out again. Yuuuup, sure did. There’s something wrong with Margul’s on death trigger that sometimes makes the maggots not spawn and that glitches out the room end trigger.

Edit: still doesn’t explain the random 2-3 minutes of cleared boss rooms I’ve had in past patches. This Margul thing seems to resolve itself within corpse persistence period. Perhaps that was actually the “neverending SR boss room” bug I quoted in OP that has been resolved and people just didn’t wait long enough for the room to end.

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