[] What if Morgoneth is a Trickster? 2H Cold SS + ABB Armor of the Eternal Night Trickster - SR 90ish / Ravager of Minds / Avatar of Mogdrogen

Hi everyone, another meme idea from me. No need to explain this one. You may ask why did I change the outfit? - I think there is a bug with morgoneth set illusion or gear itself. When I use those illusions or set itself without illusions I get more damage than usual and build feels more squishy. Maybe I’m being just paranoid.

PS: This is not a whole guide but merely a showcase

Image from the game with perma buffs, Pneumatic Burst and Lethal Assault buff


SR 75-76 Complete Run

SR 85 Complete Run (1)

Go 2:20 to see Kuba fight, go 4:50 to see Moosi fight

SR 85 Complete Run (2)

Go 6:00 to see Fabus fight

SR 90 Complete Run

Cold resist nemesis are really hard to kill with bad mutators and even unkillable sometimes.

Ravager of Minds

No change maded. Used health, OA&DA, regen, lifesteal, armor and bleeding, fire, lightning, vitality, acid resist along with aether cluster.

Avatar of Mogdrogen

Change one augment into lightning one. Used health, OA&DA, lightning resist, regen, lifesteal pharma and 1x aether cluster.

Thanks for reading, any comment & feedback is welcome


Honestly at this point I wouldn’t even be surprised. Also, crate pls make the Morgo set black on black, it’s too light and ‘fluffy’ in appearance.

Cool build btw, I may just try it. Farmed the set ages ago but never used it, and reaper is too piano for my tastes.


Don’t know if it’s even possible but it’s just the feeling. Like when I make my outfit to morgo set, 3k armor feels like 2k.

Thanks, If I had more skill points I would invest Wind Devil line more aswell.


Honestly I think the Morgo set is a hair too large and kind of looks like a child wearing their parents clothes… once you see it you won’t un-see it.