[] HC Aether Tempest Battlemage

This was my first character to get to 100 in HC and just wanted a place to document it, especially since I hadn’t seen a build similar to it on grimtools. This build isn’t going to be breaking any records, but I’m still really happy with it’s performance.

The character died before I thought to take screenshots of it so all I have is the build planner.

Basic concept is to blitz in, debuff with war cry, arcane bomb, and Krieg stomp, and then spam CT til they fall over. Resistances are all good, you get decent absorption from Maiven’s and Bulwark, and you get a ton of lifesteal from CT. Menhir’s Will and Mirror give you a couple panic buttons in the event things turn bad.

Build started when I found a Fleshwarped Core with a bunch of aether modifiers and thought it looked neat. Combined it with the Krieg set and ended up with a solid build. I decided to go with Menhir’s Bulwark over Reckless Power since I was in hardcore. I’m fairly confident that was the right choice but I could very well be wrong. I’m also not certain the amulet or belt are the best choice but they rounded things out pretty nicely. Could also probably move some skill points around. Still, overall, very pleased with how everything turned out.

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