( HC Beginner Primal Strike Druid + Leveling guide - suitable for first char

Awesome, thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the welcome! This looks like a great forum with tons of great info and people!

Thank you so much for the info, I see the attribute points spent now! I don’t know how I missed it before :confused:

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Unless i am mistaken, you don’t have any source of flat RR? Is it deliberate? Or you just sacrificed it in order to get Behemoth + Tree of Life + Ultos?


Yeah i ended up sacrificing scales

How does this build compare to your Lightning Warder build? I was planning to play one of these as my first character in 1.2, with a preference toward the Warder.

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Lightning warder rocks too. I remember leveling [] Beginner's Lightning Warder that have a good damage sheet, but i don’t remember about its survivability

hello, and thank you!

noob question: at lvl 20-30… you said to put points into arcanist mastery. that threw me. do we discard the shaman or druid, and switch to a arcanist 2nd job? or can I put pts in to a 3rd job? what am i missing … because I am wanting to start a new character now, with this build

thank you

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Hi! When you reach lvl 10 you’re able to choose a second mastery, and then you stick with the class you chose till the end (in our case, Druid shaman+arcanist).
Since we started with shaman, after lvl 10 we pick Arcanist as our secondary mastery, when you reach lvl 20-30 you start putting points on arcanist mastery bar until you reach maiven’s sphere of protection and its second node (i believe you’re gonna spend 40 points)

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thank you very much for the clarification! got it!

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At level 35ish, any boss mob just trucks me. Why are my defenses for this build feeling so horrible?


Havent played a ton of GD, but a lot of PoE. Are resistances that important at this low level?

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Yes, resistances are one of the most important things in GD. try this: go to the blacksmith and craft 2 wardstones, bind them to your amulet and medal. Craft 2 silk swatches and bind them to chest armor and shoulder armor. Craft 3 antivenom salves and bind them to your feet, belt and gloves. Craft a scaled hide and bind on pants. If you already got respected with Rovers faction, buy runestone blueprint from them,craft one and bind on helmet. You can craft a purified salt and bind on your weapon for some extra aether resistance. You can farm some Soul shards on arkovian underground to bind on your rings to get some good vitality resistances, and also, i like using the incendiary shoulderguards that drops from cronley’s thugs, they give us good chaos resists early on. And if you do that and somehow still feel a little squishy, you can always put more points on wendigo totem skill.
I see you’re not using Slith Primal Ring - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database it’s a ring with good resists you get early on game. Very useful


Thank you very much for this description. I’m still a beginner in the game, I don’t have much experience. Based on your description, I’m progressing in hcssf and I really enjoy the character. :smiley: Druid, Level 68 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator I’m slowly trying ultimate difficulty thanks again for the wonderful description

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thank you for the reply i really appreciate! good luck bro

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I do not get this (i played GD before, but that was many years ago), how do i go there and aren’t the mobs highlvl because the DLC is after you finished the base game?
Also you say " You can farm it from Animated Preserver"
but when i follow the link i only see that it is Monster Level 100 and different spawn locations but i cannot click on the spawn location to see it on the map.

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No. Forgotten Gods zones scale from level 15 to 100, they’re available right after completing act 1. Talk to the Emissary who shows up outside all the towns.

Monster level 100 is simply the default for Grimtools, you can just change it to see stats and drop tables at different levels. And only the spawn points for fixed bosses are shown there because it would be a nightmare on the map, just look for the area names and learn where the exact spawns are ingame.


How does this hold up for 1.2? I’ve heard Primal Strike Druid was quite good, but I’m not very experienced and unsure how to adapt to 1.2 changes, or if there are any I’d need to consider. Thanks for the write up, will definitely start levelling through it I think.

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Hi! I believe this build can stand its ground against almost all enemies and nemesis on patch 2 too, but be aware of kiting when needed since now bosses and nemesis can heavily hit you with the nasty sunder debuff

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Hi, I’m trying this build. What would it be a step by step devotion path?

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  1. crossroads - 1 point on eldritch (green)
  2. spider -5 points
  3. Sailor’s guide - 4 points
  4. Widow - 6 points (bind the arcane bomb proc to Primal Strike)
  5. Kraken - 5 points
  6. Viper - 4 points
  7. Behemoth - 6 points
  8. Ultos, shepherd of storms - 5 poins (bind hand of ultos proc to wind devil)
  9. Crossroads - Remove Primordial (blue)
  10. Crossroads - 1 point in order (yellow)
  11. Tortoise - 5 points
  12. Stag - 4 points
  13. Lion - 3 points
  14. Crossroads - Remove order (yellow)
  15. Tree of Life - 6 points
  16. Korvaak, The eldritch sun - 1 point

Hi! I would like to thank you again for this description. Successfully achieved HCSSF first hundred level character. THY :smiley: