[] Luminari Godkiller: Ravager, Mogdrogen, Callagadra, Crucible 4:40, SR 75-76 Belgothian Infiltrator/Blademaster

Infiltrator is already pretty tanky. Maybe use some kind of green ring (like the one I have used) to try and use Restless Remains in gloves. I am not sure if Conduit will make it tankier or not because of all the damage and thus sustain we gonna lose.

Belgothian Blademaster update

Reworked the spec according to the balance changes in the latest patches. Barbaros pants had to go, instead we got full Disruption protection + almost full Cunning dump (1-2 points in Spirit are still needed). Build is a total beast, super tanky as well, Shards 75-76 are not a problem for it and it does not die in Crucible unless you make a silly mistake like blinking into Zantarin’s shotgun. We can use flat damage/hp augments on weapons now since extra regeneration is not needed (thanks to energy leech buffs Phantasmal Armor works properly now). Real tankiness buff was simply adding Restless Remains to gloves.

Here is a video of 5:03 run by @banana_peel (thanks for the awesome run, man).

Shards videos and video of my own run are coming a bit later.

EDIT: Here is my 5:24 run.


Belgo Infiltrator also needs an update. Current spec is extremely unreliable. Еven waves 100-130 without 2 blessings might be a problem. DPS is exceptional, but low DA, low poison and stun res. It’s only good against single target.

Thanks for the feedback. I will check it out. Last time I played it it was pretty good, as good as melee with no aoe can be.

Do you have the same exact gear/devotions/skill distribution?

EDIT: You can also choose to use Empty Throne in devotions instead of Harpy if you feel like you are missing Stun res or DA.

Nothing special.

Tnx, I suppose I’ll try to switch to BM.
I’ve chosen Infiltrator because I’ve thought that seal absorption and 45% phys res should lead to more defensive setup and thus more relaxed playing. Still it quite vulnerable if you ain’t top pilot.

Dude, that’s not my build ))

You gotta replicate all the items/skills/devotions/skill distribution from my GT link, otherwise I can’t promise advertised performance. Like here you are missing the crucial item - Final March boots and about 200 OA and 400 in Cunning. That leads to your sustain being subpar and lack of slow res is a death sentence in Crucible.

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Oops, with Empty Throne and Boots better indeed. Could I ask one more question? In game life steal value only counts seal of blades ADCTH from main hand, so it’s seal (5) + amulet (4) = 9. Grimtools sums up ADCTH from both hands, so it’s 14. Which one is correct?

You gotta invest in Cunning at least 65 points too, don’t forget about that )

it’s 9%. Adtch from each Seal of Blades goes towards damage from that hand. So double Seal of Blades = global 5% adtch. Ideally, you want Restless Remains in gloves too, for that extra adtch that makes build close to immortal plus casting speed for Word of Pain/Seal casts.

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Much tnx for your help!
Still your setup is too offensive to me :smiley:
I tried but sometimes Zantarin or Alex can literally oneshoot you, because of low health. It should be piloted very carefully, that thing I’m not very capable of.

Here is more defensive setup I ended with.
Farmed wave 170, 3 blessing +1 banner
3 times, 9-10 min on average which good to me.

Well, whatever works for you, man. But it’s not my build anymore :slight_smile:

And that sword is suboptimal here. Power of the spec comes from the intricate balance between offense and defense. If you start sacrificing too much of offense (like in your case you took different pants, belt and sword and boots) your sustain and killing times will dip. And minor defensive boost you are gaining won’t cover for that.

Without Serenity you are losing a lot of skill points and a great defensive proc. But again, man, you play as you want, it’s just not my build anymore )

Tested my Belgo BM spec and it’s still strong in

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Hi, great build i collected all the gear and will give it a go,just a question regarding the weapons,is the 2 slicers the best option or could there be a better combo like 1 slicer plus Reavers Claw or some other ?

For Blademaster? Double Slicers is bis unless it’s some kind of fantasy double rare green Dermapteran Slicer. And even then I am not sure if it’s better than second Belgo Sword.

Yes for BM.Im currently running your King Elessar build and having lots of fun but want to try DW because this seem even mightier and more fun bulid than 2H Bloodrager.
Collected all the items except second Slicer so will hunt for him before switching.
Thank you for the fast reply!

In my opinion, King Elessar is more fun, because it’s pretty unique. It’s also a lot smoother in Crucible. Belgo is tougher in Shards however and got that sick single target burst.

Thank you for the info.
I started doing more shard lately so i think i need a bit sturdier char for shards 70+ but will definitely keep all the KE gear in case it proves more efficient like it did when i switched from Targos to Blood.

Вопрос про руну для Блейдмастера: Почему именно Жестокие наслаждения? Там же нет урона проником. Из-за быстрого отката? Руна неустрашимого не лучше?

Физический урон на руне полностью конвертируется в пирс. Ну и откат быстрый.

I took Violent Delights rune because physical damage gets fully converted into pierce. And because of low cd.

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Уже минут 15 детально изучаю каждую вещь в билде и никак не могу понять, за счет чего физика конвертится в пирс, еще и 100%)

За счёт % бронебойности\пробивания брони на мечах, бонусе сета и лезвиях Надаана в небе. Это и есть конверсия физы в пирс.

It’s %armor piercing that converts physical into pierce (can be found on swords, set bonus and Nadaan’s devo).

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