So after banging my head against the puzzle that is an elemental Battlemage using 2-handed weapon Cadence via Scion of Arcane Forces I have finally found a build that actually works okay enough to post.
Ze Build V1.2:
Version 1.1: Battlemage, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Uses 4 Green MI’s to cover the weakspots, because itemisation is a bastard for BM that isn’t physical damage based, personally I recommend GDstashing them, because you need the Eldritch Eye MI amulet to be exactly the same. So might as well indulge and get them all. Iron Maidan MI’s could work in a pinch though, but the aether to elemental conversion the Ascended Epaulets have is needed to maximise damage.
Which gets to 226K with various damage+ skills procced:
Could be pushed higher, but the tradeoffs in survivability aren’t worth it, because getting physical resist is hard with the requirements of this build. Only managed to get to 37% with my gear rolls:
Now why does this work? Well, given both masteries lack elemental RR in any form and it can only provided by gear and devotions I had the crazy idea to make use of Fire, Lightening and Cold RR% devotions. And found it actually does provide just enough total RR with everything else to work. But survivability was hit and miss in SR75-76 runs, and +elemental resist rolls = nightmare, even with Cursed Tinctures. Doesn’t help I’m a crap SR pilot either as I love to bite off more that I can chew
But today I finally got around to trying to boost the lacklustre PR of 26% it had by swapping out the chest piece, belt and boots for other ones and then done a quick SR 75-76 run. Result, feels a lot better, as now there’s more time to respond and gtfo before dying and still survive, and this was with the +15% to enemy elemental resistance too. Did I die? Yes, of course. But it now feels a lot better to run, because the death and it’s cause (Kaisan and wrong skill use by me) were my own fault instead of the glassiness of the build.
For reference to lMarcusl SR ratings I’d say this is about a 7/10 to 8/10.
Now is it still glassy? Hell Yes. But now, with decent piloting you can carve through SR75-76 relatively safely, Resistance pots most definitely recommended for the biggest threats, namely Grava’Thul (I hate those fumble pools) and Kasian. Father Abaddoth however is now a much more manageable threat. While Kupa can be facetanked in his pools of blood if you don’t mind taking your time :3 Otherwise, don’t stand in ground affects and use Will of Kings to gtfo to safety, meanwhile the various DoT’s you’ve triggered will carve away at the horde a bit.
Case in Point - I present the “Gumby Run” SR75-76:
Died twice due to overextending and not spreading out hordes when need be, but still got through within in the timer. Which in turn shows the strengths and weakness of this build.
Otherwise it should do okay enough in Crucible (need to test), can probably do moggy using resist pots, already trashed Lokarr and probably Burbon (it was a bit of a slog). Can probably take on Ravager of Minds with better piloting skills, but I’ll leave Cally and Crate to those with more skill and less sanity.
Oh and here’s the old V1.0 save file, which is copied off the tester one, I just threw out all the junk I didn’t need. All super bosses unlocked though.
Will I ever provide a levelling guide for this abomination? Maybe, but mess by name, mess by nature due to ADHD. It is doable though, because I have a ancient build this was created to be the final form that’s in the 70’s
Now to get the elemental, no-sets based gunslingers done The Mage Hunter one’s proving pretty good now, while the Purifier still needs to get to SR 75, since it is an ancient build of mine I’ve been tinkering with for ages.
[edit - 23/10] - Forgot the belt augment, changed rings for more DA/damage + capped Field Command at the cost of health/physique to improve DA/OA.
[edit - 25/10] - Thanks to Marcus’s feedback mucked around with skill point allocations and found that investing in WPS + critical damage% actually works much better dps wise, which increases sustain and kill times a noticeable amount. So updated build to V1.2 and dropped the (Mostly) bit, because it actually works now. Unfortunately due to all the SR runs done this build’s stash is now filled with MI shoulders, so further testing will be minor. Will add Celestials as I get it dones, did confirm Lokarr and factanked him :3
[edit 27/10] - Added SR75-76 run. And yes, I am that bad of a pilot lawl.