[] Wendigo Bladed Chestguard mssing textures

Wendigo Bladed Chestguard illusion is missing big chunks of textures on its back and arms. The palette swap of the armor, Wendigo Spellweaver Chestguard, doesn’t have this issue.

do you happen to be using a mod, or ex GrimTex? - or is it related to a specific setting in options maybe?
asking because my wendig chest has no glitch, male or female

Vanilla as it comes. I did notice that swapping to a different illusion then back will fix the issue, but it pops up sporadically on load.

maybe it’s related to one of the other illusion glitches then :thinking: like the one where illusions just reset? or something, don’t remember which it was, someone posted recently, on steam? idono

Happens often. Start a new game, armor stays as should.

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