[] Conjurer - tank and pets. SR: 160; 150; 95; 90; Callagadra; Ravager of Souls

Hi all. Wanted to know what the tank version of summoner can do on deep SR. The build version is the most expensive one, due to testing complex content. If anyone is interested in this build, edit it based on the green items and their affixes that you will have. The results are in the video below.

GT Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Pet stats + temporary buffs

Pet stats without temporary buffs

160 SR (3/4)

150 SR

95 SR

90 SR


Ravager of Souls


Nice build. I have a question though, why don’t you convert physical damage to fire with Kovaard blade? I’ve tried the physical/bleed version for pets before, but fire and vitality excel.

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I wanted the classic version through physical damage and bleeding.

well i played both Fire and Vitality Bysmiel pet builds before, and i can never achieve to clear the SR 150 like @AlexGoldFish_322 did. If yours can excel that result, please share your own build, i really want to try that

Neither do I, I play HC and never go that deep, but you can replace the scepter with the Kovaard’s burning blade and replace some devotions for RR without losing hp regen. Here is an example for devotions:

Before I also used Fleshwarped Buwark, but for the main content, it is too safe, and I changed to an off-hand for clearing speed. I think the keys of his build are the Gollus ring and Behemoth, never thought that it can reach 4k hp regen.

this is the Fire bysmiel Conjurer that i actually played:

Its good, but nothing too special, and i can’t go to deep SR pass 100 because the build itself is not tanky enough. I really want to try other version of some tankier fire pet for deeper SR craw, something like 12x SR and above, is really amazing

Your build is good for the main content. But you may lack of some RR. And I would not use the rings for lightning/chaos convert to fire. You have more fire dmg, but may scarify some physical resist for pets. You should try Alex’s build with my devotion set up, and keep the Kovaard’s bunring blade you are using. Good luck!

Build I am using for my conjurer, I haven’t tried deep SR though. Pets have 71% physical resist (with Aspect of the Guardian 15% and Emboldening Presence 18%), with 8% extra for Hellhound. Moreover, I max Ember Claw out because Hellhound is more tanky (mainly because of the nerfs to Briar).

Here is the fire set up for Alex’s build. Hp regen is more or less the same, around 4k, everything else is maxed with 7% more physical res for pets.

You can try it out. I tried it vs Callagadra and time to kill is around 3:30, but I think it can be faster because I played a little too safely. The good thing is I don’t need to kite and re-summon, just stand still and run around her when she hits. Pic

On the bright side Zanati can’t nerf pet builds further, because the double rares this build uses are insane and aside from the pants, bloodsworn ring and the amulet, every other double rare is so low a probability to drop it’s going to require hundreds of hours for even 1 to roll like that.

Agreed! I am usually happy with one right affix.