[] HardCore Elementalist 6 totems. Starting without handing over the stuff. Callagadra, Ravager, Avatar, Crate of Entertainment, 80-100 SR

I said you are “misrepresenting the build and misleading possible followers by mistake or on purpose”.

One video doesn’t prove or disprove how game mechanics work, and I explained how they work here:


My words: “looks like you are misrepresenting the build and misleading possible followers by mistake or on purpose”. You can google translate them and read them again if you didn’t understand them.

Your sr80 video is not enough proof of anything. There is no Maiden/Fabius/Grava/Reaper in the boss room, no gear shown at the beginning or at the end of the video. I remember you used to post videos recorded with increased speed in Grim Internals because presented builds were slow and not even mention that. So sorry I don’t trust your “all the tests” against a well known facts about how phys resistance and how armor actually work in this game.

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Let’s start with the fact that I do not specify that this is a build for beginners, for this there are special profile topics and builds and people who do it, such as dragon. The second point, I do not agree that the build has poor survivability or poorly holds a blow, specially recorded an example, I think, I do not have to tell you how painful now with two hands hits this enemy, as you can see SR 75 and any problems or 1shot it did not cause.

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Willing to bet that’s wasn’t a crit and you nearly died. I dunno I been one shot with far more defenses.

That build is akin to seeing a fuse burning to a bomb. Only a matter of time…

cool, now repeat that 1000x and see if you RNG out

srs feel like you’re missing that point still, despite getting told many times
you’re relying on a single layer of defence, you can be crit; you can get unlucky and take a big hit and die with these stats - because of this this build wants to never get hit for HC (this alone bears mention)
since there is a bunch of hard hitting attacks with this potential it means those need to be avoided “all the time”, and the 2nd point is then lesser experience players, but still endgame HC players, might not have that experience yet to reliably avoid all those attacsk
easy example is i have over 4000h and i still don’t dodge Maiden blitz all the time

not the issue; the point being made is you’re presenting this as a regular/simple HC build; without any caveat mentions, when this build highly deserves that mention, possibly even highlighted
^when you have a build that intentionally skip on defence, and relies on specific playstyle (and experience) to survive “safely”; this deserves to be mentioned in an endgame build presented to the public like it’s any other build
just like you see regular builds often post “pros/cons” aspects or other points of concern mentions; even if it’s just softcore builds

*and here you’re not only not mentioning it; but even resisting the remarks made towards it, as if you intentionally wish to frame this build in an even better light on top

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GI was giving the game speed boost because the base game is a bit slow, don’t misrepresent what you want to imagine rather than the actual fact. I was speeding up the game as I was comfortable with it, not giving away the fact that the build clears the crucible faster, hiding the speed of the game, if you increase it through GI it is always shown in the game, indicating what X speed the player chose, absolute nonsense you just wrote. The second point, why do I have to prove anything to you? Who are you? Some kind of supervisor or checker? You are an ordinary ordinary player, like me, do not jump above your head, as you usually do, it did not lead to good, as the history of your communication with the community showed.

so which is it, this or

It’s hard to be a serial gaslighter, sometimes you can gaslight yourself


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I realized that proof, video, facts, screens - for you it is not an argument, from you I hear only words, phrases of reasoning, pouring water and shaking the air. If you think it’s unreliable, don’t play that way, it’s your right. I will do as I see fit, to change my mind about what I have played and tested with just words is not worth it. I shared my build and my HC results, if you don’t like them, just walk on by.

you did not,
and i’m unsure if you’re making the claim intentionally so as to be misleading or you legit don’t understand the fundamentals/ramifications being mentioned?
you took a single hit; you lucked out
that’s the point, with these stats all it takes is bad hit/bad luck; and you can die on HC
^Putting extra requirement on the player/build of extra avoiding hits to reduce that RNG/bad luck high dmg hit from happening
“this deserves mention in the build OP” - just like other builds do, even if they are presented for SC

your results are not being disputed, understand that difference and understand the importance of that difference and the actual point being made…
^this might even be part of your issue, you’re perhaps perceiving this as an attack on you/the build, it’s not, the framing is being remarked on; and that because it’s a public build post, specially since HC, it deserves the finer details informed to players; because not all that might use this build necessarily can pull off the same results with their only 100h playtime experience - and since these factors are inherent to the build because of it’s specific stats chosen, it then deserves the mention (imo)
“just like many other builds when there potential caveats present”

Well… Just walk on by, I realized it’s just useless for us to talk further (ignoring the “100500” video above).

Heh, this is one of the things I love about Grim Dawn, even weird, counter-meta builds like this can work. In this case armour, armour absorb and high health + health regen act as a counter to the low DA and PR%. However, in saying that, this is a build that most definitely requires experience in how to play it’s particular playstyle. Which the Ravager vid shows nicely.

e.g. in my case I’d flub up and die in SR80+ with this easily, at least until I got the playstyle down for it. Which I’m getting used to doing something similar with my own glass cannon builds. Slowly.

Definitely going to spin off my tester to test this out though :stuck_out_tongue: Probably with different boots just to get some PR and “Formidable” as the prefix on the pants.

Oh and this build also highlights one of the key problems with the Light’s Defender Set - namely that it lacks PR completely and could really, really do with at least 10% on it to help with allowing more build variety.

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again, are you entirely not understanding what’s being said, language barrier or not being explained proper from me? - or are you deliberately choosing to ignore what’s being said?
you showed 1 hit in that vid - this does not make it a proof of concept but a proof you could take that 1 specific hit
again, you can get bad luck and get hit harder and die from it, so presenting 1 hit, or lucking out on 1 hit doesn’t showcase the build can’t die from bad luck high hits; because your sample size is too small
“that’s the point” - get hit enough times and eventually you can get the bad hit that kills this on HC with the chosen defence, so it deserves mention that it’s a build for either experience players or requires a “don’t get hit” playstyle for HC to avoid that RNG spike dmg death potential

so unless there is language barrier, or you wanna tell me i’m not good enough at explaining the meaning; i’m gonna take it as another indicator you’re trying to frame some things in a specific way because you dislike “criticism” or remarks that might not frame everything you do in as best a light as possible
^i hope the latter is not the case…

Like I said, I’m not going to argue with words out of thin air, I’ll just leave this one here, modifier for extra physical damage on monsters and no extra armor for my character, as they say, something to think about, all the best to you.

cool, you’ve now taken 2 hits
998 to go :+1:


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the fact you even react that way kinda shows you really dont’ get it/what’s being talked about
you’re acting like dmg doesn’t have spike potential or RNG factors and that a smalls sample size or just in general “lucking out” and not dying doesn’t disprove you can get bad luck and hit with a dmg spike that does lead to death on HC with these stats :rofl:

i think i’m gonna lean more towards what Lee said then,
you might not be truly “dishonest”, but prefer to frame things in a better light to appear as best as possible than disclosing potential drawbacks or playstyle notes that might detract slightly from that good light :+1:
^i don’t think public HC build threads are the right place to massage ones ego, so players should be made aware of those notes

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“ego massage” I only observe now from you two, I for my part have provided enough facts, if you are not enough 16 videos in the topic with detailed tests and 2 separate videos made by special order, then of course it makes no sense for me to continue the dialog with you, of course, you can incline the dialog to insult me, albeit not in direct text, usually this is just relevant for people like you, who have no arguments left against the facts of the video. I think we don’t need to continue this dialog any further

sure am happy i was playing Softcore here:

^your build btw - missed avoiding Maiden’s blitz and died instantly after

yes, i have over 4000 hours and i still frequently miss avoiding stuff like maiden blitz or fabby SS etc
start to see the point now? - this build highly demands a "dont’ get hit"playstyle, so lesser experienced players, or just experienced players with less skill at evading certain attacks; can easily die with this defence layer, making it less safe for HC

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do you think, after all you said, I will believe in this screen, and the objectivity of your test? Ha-Ha-Ha you are such a naive young man, I have no words), 1 picture against 18 videos, bravo, I give you a standing ovation, your friend did not forget to put a like, which is the most important and revealing))))), a real theatre))

oh… what a blatant lie, that the character dies from the jerk of the maiden, I even reduced armour and absorption to show what kind of theatre you have arranged, stop embarrassing yourself and reducing everything to absurdity and leave this topic, you are starting to be openly rude and insulting, it’s already bullying on your part

I ask the moderators to intervene plz @medea_fleecestealer

you still clearly don’t get it or how dmg spikes work do you?
i don’t need to lie; I just need to accept i suck at avoiding Maiden’s blitz - i’ve not issue admitting that
and i died as a result (like i frequently do against her)

again, it’s like you dont’ understand “how things work”; you showing 5x or 18times not dying, doesn’t disprove it being possible; nor disproves my death as fake
you fail to understand the very simple point being made, your expertise matters, so does rng/dmg spikes

and the fact you can’t accept or even tolerate that even more clearly demonstrates to me this is about you being framed in as good a light as positive

For such lies, slander, provocation and insults that you have done, I am deservedly sending you to mutha for yourself and will never do business with such a liar again