Are you a hunter, or a prey? No, I am just a farmer.

Stats with permanent buffs
She farms Callagadra, a thrilling farm. She learns not to be greedy, when to go in and out during battles. She can hunt down the strongest creatures.
Hi all,
Above is my blademaster, a very melee character. She is tanky, with 23k HP, 3k DA, 3.2k OA, 63% physical resist and all other resistances are more than 50% over capped. The damage is good with more than 100k with all procs. Of course it is no where close to Belgo pierce, I tried it too, but currently, that build is not viable for Callagadra. The play style of a DW character is never boring. I learn when to go in and when to go out because “Death is like the wind—always by my side”.
So here is the build. Hope you like it. Comments and suggestion are welcome! Thanks for reading!
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Right, theory crafted a version with more realistic greens 
And a 2nd version, which should crit more often, as reinvested points in WPS to get Markovian’s Advantage to reduce enemy DA :
This is based on my own fun with WPS in my builds, as I’ve learnt heavily investing in WPS pays off very, very well total damage output wise.
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And could you please post your build with explanation? Pretty sure I can learn something.
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“of Amarasta’s Flury” is a rare suffix, while Cutthroat is also a rare prefix, making the medal a double rare, so to make it easier to farm the medal I choose the magic prefix “of Readiness”. Is it the best option? Maybe, DA’s already high enough though, so “of Attack” might be more useful vis getting more chance of critical hits.
As for the build that taught me that:
Investing into WPS altered it’s clear times in SR75-76, which allowed it to be much more effective pre patch 1.2
And this other one also showed how important WPS are for damage:
Which reminds me, I need to change those rings to Gollus ones, but anyhow, dropped 1 WPS and dropped some to 7/8 and noticed significant differences in SR runs clear times.
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