[] Return of the Rogue: CR 4.10 / SR 90 / <1min Ravager tanky DW Melee Saboteur by mad_lee

I haven’t tried it but I am pretty sure nothing changed. Yes, Shattered Set was nerfed a bit, but this will hardly affect build’s performance.

Decree of pervert Crucible players state that every melee build with SR set should do naked Crucible run, where’s yours? :stuck_out_tongue:

can’t be arsed with those naked runs. Too stressful for me. I loath every SR 75+ run I have to do to record videos, so I’ll just pass on Cruc. naked runs. Update

Decided to revisit this Rogue and revamp it a little. After few hours of testing I decided to change the medal. But the real revelation was trying out overcapped Explosive Strike which was freshly buffed in Build is now 15-20 seconds faster and even more fun to play. Here are some videos spec 6 seconds Mad Queen kill spec Crucible 150-170 lucky 5:50 run

@Valinov you were right about the medal! Damn you!


Aaaaand new SR 75-76 video finally uploaded, added to the op.

Decided to kill Mogdrogen with this Rogue. A bit slow, but dead God is a dead God.

Probably my favorite build in the game, it’s tons of fun b/c of DW, and it’s tanky so I don’t have to pucker up every 5 seconds worrying about dying.

Nice to see that you’ve updated it, I’m making the changes (except I’m using yugol).

thanks! I have tested Yugol and it’s still weaker than DG/Ultos/Amatok map.

Oh yeah, I know that it’s weaker, but I like the new 12% reduced dmg modifier on it since I’m hc.

Well, it should help this build I guess. I tested it on my Hybrid Trickster and somehow found survivability to be worth (actually died two times in Crucible). But maybe it didn’t scale well there because it already had damage reduction proc from alkamos rings and maybe it can scale better on this Sabouter, it’s hard to tell without making multiple runs with both devotion maps.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s much help if you already have alkamos’ rings. On the saboteur though we don’t have anything for overall % dmg reduction yet. Yugol seems to help me a lot.

What’s your devo map with Yugol?

@Plasmodermic kindly agreed to give it his best and managed this lightning fast (for a Sabouter) 5:40 run:

Added to the op.


I did test a spec with Yugol: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/1NXjQjBV (crafts are still for %physique and DA in Crucible is 3000+ with Ulzuin’s buff).

And damage was similiar. However, I was unpleasantly surprised that survivability is actually WORSE. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense at first but apparently Skeletons messing with mob’s A.I. and damage reduction from Undead gives build more than overal DR on Yugol’s proc. I have died 3 times out of like 7 runs, something that never happened to me when I was playing DG + Revenant spec.

EDIT: And my personal best with the build:

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With the nerfs to Dying God, Revenant and Barbaros pants it was time to revisit this melee warrior of mine. Reinvented the spec a bit, new Deathwhisper pants are actually good now. Added quite a few videos of updated build’s performance.


Thanks for sharing, man. I personally LOVE Saboteur and am really glad to see it being done. Was my very first build, a Saboteur, before I knew anything about the game. Never could stay away from hoping and wishing for more Saboteur support.

In AoM expansion I got super pumped the first time I found Vilzagor’s Heart. Now we have Fire blade spirits, too! It’s an exciting time for Saboteur, and always more exciting to see other people playing them!

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Some sick videos from @banana_peel and @Dmt (thanks a lot, guys!)

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I changed 3 things https://www.grimtools.com/calc/qNYowlWV
A few curiosities:

  1. I /think/ my devo setup will slightly outperform yours but I’m unsure. 6% undead damage and 5% crit damage vs some cold damage. I think taking the other 3 points of blizzard is usually a waste. I picked up wretch and the 3rd point in torch, realistically I think this could be utilized even better but I’m not quite sure how I’d want to go about that.
  2. I think armor is fairly overrated, I’d opt for an ancient armor plate over a scaled hide, and that’s what I typically did before I quit
  3. I think given how murmor spreads it’s better to proc it with thermites and use firestrike for ultos but I havn’t tested this and im just using old experience on unrelated builds.
  4. It’s been so long since I’ve been in these forums I can’t remember who’s green allergic and who isn’t. I think these kuba pants are better. Picking up %OA and a bunch of resists lets you shift res around and pick up DA augments. Overall around 100 more DA / OA.

Question: How good are those rings really? The new Roguelike rings have juicy procs, and Alk rings are always nice. Have you tested either of those?

Undead damage is not that valuable here. Definitely not worth losing 100% to Cold and 150% to Frostburn from Amatok nodes.

It is a bit overrated but because it’s a melee Sabouter (even in SR set) it utilizes every bit of defense to keep it together. Golems fit this build like a glove.

Definitely not. You need to proc your RR ASAP not only to start dishing out max damage immediately but also to start properly leeching immediately and not proc fail-safes like Ghoul or Prismatic too early.

Greens have became more common in builds because they became much easier to farm and I use them here and there. Although single-rares to keep it realistic. Deathwhisper are bis here because they roll up to 6% physical resist which is crucial to this melee build’s survival.

Alkamos rings are worse, tested them. Anubar rings might have similiar damage but blue rings give the build a lot of survivability (more flat damage and weapon damage due to skills bonuses so better adtch, attack speed that Anubar rings lack, crafting bonus which is important here). So they are 100% bis.

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Greens have became more common in builds because they became much easier to farm and I use them here and there. Although single-rares to keep it realistic. Deathwhisper are bis here because they roll up to 6% physical resist which is crucial to this melee build’s survival.

Nice to hear. I’m interesting in the cost/benefit of the OA/DA gain vs the phys res. More damage means things die faster, dead things means you don’t take damage. Higher DA means you’re being hit less but when you are hit you take more damage. :man_shrugging: Might be worth testing, up to you.


I’m wondering if there’s an unrealistic green setup where you drop golemborns for slow res + other stuff green boots and grab better rings. You could potentially pick up more AS and at least pick up more damage. I’m way too lazy to bother with that though. I agree about the slow res being important, I just really dislike the way the rings are itemized.