[] Return of the Rogue: CR 4.10 / SR 90 / <1min Ravager tanky DW Melee Saboteur by mad_lee

“100% Fire Damage converted to Cold Damage to Pneumatic Burst”
This one got my intrest…
Does it only include Fire as part of %weapon damage or everything?
Alkamos Warsword might be an option then for leveling 30+…

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everything except stuff that was converted to cold (like fire damage you got from the rolls like “x% physical damage converted to cold” etc.)

What do you think, would level 30+ leveling be possible with full conversion through Warblade and how would using Warblade instead in end game effect the build?
Since 30+ puts you around Act 3 or 4 don’t really see the need for it, but haven’t really played with Cold besides OFF & Trozan…

I haven’t leveled anything in ages, mate. I guess that leveling as mono class thru Normal should be fairly easy. For details you gotta check beginners/leveling guides.

The potential problem of using 2H is the fact you’re losing Dual Blades line, both the physical resistance and WPS skills. Going Fire Strike as 2H makes little sense. Also cold caster with BWC for instance will mean no or little sustain, that’s added to inherently glassy class combo. Warsword is option but it’s better suited as Dervish.

For something anti-synergistic like Sabo it’s better to treat it as mono class and get the active skills from the one mastery and support skills only from the other.

So I would do ABB/Shadow Strike build using DW Spectral Longswords and maybe if I am lucky Loxxmere blade. Then invest in Veil of Shadow line and later Termite mine. Maybe some passive boost from Flamed Touch /Vindictive Flame and after it’s unlocked Blast Shield.

Doing FS auto attacker needs lots of skill points and without conversion it will be subpar build. So SS until you can equip N&O set is my idea.

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The new green medal Gaelslice’s Mark will turn this Saboteur a beast. I did try it with just self-found affix for pierce and aether res, and a little more OA/DA, and the result is super good. @mad_lee hope you will update this build soon :))

Hi, yeah, it seems like it would be a perfect fit for the build. It can be tested versus current medal and updated Dark Dreams. Thing is, I have uninstalled GD like a month ago and I am not sure I want to install it back.


This is definitely a big loss for the GD community :sob:


https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQXwa8Z Swapped the legs to the new anas legs, medal to new medal. You get some more damage and another few hundred DA.

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I would stick with legendary legs tho, they have too much value. For green ones you need exactly Formidable Grava’Thul (ones with Night’s Chill bonus) of Amarasta’s Flurry to match (even outmatch I guess) legendary ones. Getting last point in LA is super important.

Wanted to put this build together and try it out, just a quick question: How’s the build holding up in How does it fair against the celestials and other ultra bosses?

Should be great for farming SR75-76 or Crucible 150-170 (if anyone still farms latter). Use a green medal tho and maybe a bit more defensive devo too. Celestials like Ravager and Mogdrogen should be doable with some gear adjustments. Cala and Crate I would say definitely no.

Updated to

Revisited this build after the introduction of the new MI medal. One of the sturdiest melees i’ve played in a while due to shattered set and N&O. Wasn’t been able to die in CR no matter how hard i’ve tried. Timers are nothing astonishing though - 5.13 was the best result iirc. The big advantage of this build is freeze from N&O’s proc, which means that normal chunks in SR are much easier to play as a melee character.

here’s the calc - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26okOvV
here’s the savefile - _Olexra.zip (1.4 MB)

might or might not record some performance in future.


Build update

<<<< GRIMTOOLS >>>> *

*Craft for Slow Resist

Crucible Gladiator 150-170 4+3 4:36 run
Crucible Gladiator 150-170 4+3 4:25 run by RomanN1
Crucible Gladiator 150-170 4+3 4:11 run by banana_peel
Shards 75-76 7:36 run
Ravager of Flesh 1:20 kill


This part is like a tier list of crucible pilots lmao.



Did few runs with this build, my fastest run was 4:55. Mad_Lee’s DW cold Saboteur 150-170 - YouTube

It’s interesting to post this run, because it paint slightly different picture than above posted. In this video I had good mutators and felt that was close to optimal time. But why it’s slower?

My experience playing Crucible is there, I also played Sabo DW a lot. But single target melee build requires certain skills, so you can see how much difference good pilot can make, some food for thought next time we are discussing insane Crucible runs by Banana or other top pilot. Then there’s the essence of this build. NB WPS skills seems weak now but real problem lies in combining them with lower FPS in game. You throw a punch but it doesn’t land, since enemy side steps during animation. So you miss your precious skill and also you are stuck in already started animation. So some builds tend to achieve worse results on me , weird interactions between animations and FPS are big part of that.

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New GT: Saboteur, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator




I managed to revive my olde Saboteur via taking reference from Nery’s version. able to do SR75.

Here is my version.

Finally got back my old Nex and Ortus Sabouter guide! Changed some descriptions and uploaded new screenshots. Here is a short summary Update

The Rogue is back and this time it’s one of the spiciest melee builds in the game (and overall a build that could definitely knock on the door of top20 ranking). Custom items and new devotions in this overall affordable setup grant us high physical resist, respectable hp, great wps pool and both Turtle and Blast Shield to fall back on if things go wrong. Great aoe and crowd control and punchy single target with some of the prettiest fireworks in the game.

And here are some highlights of build’s performance: Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 1:12 kill (no pharma/no clusters) Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 58 seconds kill Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. SR 75-76 4:25 run (fixed map layout + no gi pickup, tough bosses)

EDIT: Ravager 58 seconds kills is apparently from Fire N&O Sabo, this is the correct one: Nex & Ortus Sabouter vs. Ravager 56 seconds kill


Thanks for the great build introduction!

I used to have Cold DW Deathmarked Infil as my main character.
After learning about your build, out of unparalleled good luck I got my hands on Overseer Namadea of Winterstorm and gave this build a try.
I was so fascinated that I deleted my 1st Infil and rebuilt Sabo as my new main character. I changed the devotions to something more aggressive to suit my proclivities.
Usual Gears (GT link)

I was able to divert the abundant MI gear I had accumulated during my Infil days and also proceeded to discover new gear, finally fulfilling my long-held dream of defeating Callagadra in sub 2:20 by DW!
720p video
vs Cala Setup (GT link)

Unlike your build, I am aware that it is “bad” in a sense that it is difficult to share the experience with others because the setup is very green-dependent.
Nevertheless, I wanted to let you know that I am very happy with the results.

Again, thanks for a great build!

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