Hi all,
I would like to share another physical/bleed conjurer build with the Bloodrager set. The clearing speed is very good due to 100% activated skills on enemy’s death (Gutplosion + Bloodfrenzy). This build is tanky, with 60% physical resists, all resists are overcaps more than 30%, 2.9k DA and 3.3k OA with 21% lifesteal. CC resists are also good.
Damage with Savagery and Bloodrage (100% chance on critical attack)
Damage with permanent buffs + blood of dreeg
Physical + cc resists
Here is the build. For gears, of course we need Gutsmasher + Bloodrager set. In addition, we also use Gladiator’s Distinction belt for 100% vitality to physical damage because we have multiple sources for vitality damage, for example, Second Rite or Tip the Scales. For boots, I originally used Boneshatter Treads, but because there was no trap resist, I died because of Benn’Jhar in CR 170, and I changed to Windshear. Other parts are optional, but we really need high OA.
For devotion, we will get Tip the Scales for flat RR + vitality damage. The armor reduction from Maul (Dire Bear) is huge and we can benefit from it with flat physical damage from multiple sources. With devotion, skills and gears set up, we can get to -100% physical and -80% bleeding resists. There are only 2 buttons to press, so we use a third button for Cursed Tincture for another source of reduce resistances. In total, we have approximately -110% physical and -90% bleeding resists. Here are some results of this build.
CR no banner/beacons, fast clearing speed.
Callagadra: the first half is fine, but for the second half, don’t overstay. There is also a trick to kill her more easily: kite her at the beginning, run somewhere far away and make sure you fight her without big tornadoes around, because there is 32% chance to miss your attack, as showed in the picture below.
To compare, you can see time and effort to kill her with and without big tornadoes are huge.
Fight with big tornadoes around (took around 5 mins + very dangerous)
Kite and fight without big tornadoes around, no pressure at all (took around 3 mins including kiting time at the beginning)
Thanks for reading. Comments and suggestions are welcome!