[] Assassin of Storms - 1.1m+ Hits - Cr 170, SR 79. Probably 80

Image created by DALL-E

GrimTools: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Well, this is one of the highest DPS builds I’ve made for a while. It’s a glassy cannon for sure, but my goodness the damage output is fun, with crits for ~500k (each weapon) happening often, and in niche circumstances, getting hits of up to ~1.1m damage. It also uses no greens :smiley:

Chthonic Slayer

Higher spike damage happens when Ascension is up, as the build gets decent flat lightning damage boost, and a 32% total damage bonus vs chthonics. This stacks with the 32% damage to chthonics on Smite. To see it’s Chthonic slaying capabilites in action, skip to 2:22 of this video to see it slay Benn’jahr in about 5-6 quick hits. Maybe 1.5 seconds or less once the damage starts:

Crucible 100-110 - Skip to Benn’jahr at 2:22:

AOE Damage

The daggers collectively boost the maximum targets of Savagery to 7 (1 base + 3 per dagger) in a 180 degree arc. If there is a group of enemies within melee range in front of the character and Burning Void procs, then a 3 meter radius explosion procs off each enemy. That means that not only does an enemy get hit by savagery + the damage from Burning Void, but it also gets hit by the Burning Void explosion from it’s neighbours, potentially making it take 7 times the burning void damage (one for each of the 7 enemies hit and individually affected by Burning Void). And this of course, applies ot every enemy hit by savagery and burning void in that instance, so all enemies in the area take a surge of damage, allowing this build to clear through the hordes very quickly. On top of that, the build has 100% crit damage with another 20% crit damage on Savagery. So if it crits with these attacks, then everything in the area just pops. It disappears.

Crucible 150-170 (With death due to pilot error)


This build’s damage output is incredible and fun, but it IS squishy and somewhat dependent on Ascension in critical moments of the fight. Ascenion or mobility. But for it’s movement augment, I’ve chosen a ‘charge to target’ rune for additional damage, which is limiting for mobility - sometimes you want to move away from targets! As you can see in the Cruci 150-170 video, the build takes a few hits of spike damage and dies in the last wave. I was expecting to have to dodge in time for Aleks’ rock, but it actually dies before the rock hits, so my evade timing was off. I’m certain that if I made that dodge, 170 would be cleared potentially within the next 10 seconds or so - Benn’jahr goes down real fast with this build (as seen in the first video above). The build is lacking in physical resistance (only ~22% without resilience), has no reduction to enemy damage or % damage absorption. So if caught off guard, and when fighting certain enemies, it can take a lot of spike damage.

SR 79: Chunk 3 and 4
This vid showcases the strengths and weaknesses of the build. As the shards get higher the build depends more on ascension for survivability. Which thematically, I love! It’s like, you pop Ascension and go Super Saiyan for 14 seconds - You must assassinate your target within this time frame or you’re in trouble. Something about it makes assassinating targets within the finite window a minigame in itself.

This builld really is a ‘kill them before they kill you’ build. Or a ‘kite until Ascension is off cooldown’ build.

But imo it’s still a very fun build. :smiley:



Suck. Have everything but the swords. Any suggestions on replacements? This looks too good to miss.

It’d be hard to replace the swords and have the same kind of output. They add so much extra damage between the additional targets hit on Savagery and the amazing lightning damage bonuses and duration to Ascension. Ultimately anything lightning based will get you by in the interim, and it should still function fairly well, but the swords are a bit of a centrepiece for the build.

Yeah, swords are BiS. Guess it’s time to farm. Hate farming. But build is worth it. Damn.

Not having much luck in shards 70-75. Better place to try, if any?

As far as I know, they’re a random drop from anywhere… SR 75/76 is probably fastest, maybe Crucible 150 or so