[] Bloodsworn Scepter - missing % damage?

I’m playing with this scepter first time for many years, but compared to any other rare scepter - % base bonus damage seems like outdated (from old patches)?

According to grim tools almost all 94 lvl rare scepters have +162/+243% base damage bonus. For Bloodsworn Scepter its +92/+139% Chaos Damage. And for any lower levels of this item numbers are lower compared to similar rare scepters.

Chaos one of damage type without DOT support like Vitality and Vitality Decay so even damage conversion from this scepter ignore parts of damage.

In conclusion looks like devs just forgot to change numbers from very old patch to this item.


Change Solael’s Witchfire to Second Rite while at it, as it doesn’t benefit chaos casters any.

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