[] Damage added by Empyrion's Mercy to Horn of Gandarr does not align

As shown in the following screenshot, 2934 elemental damage and a bunch of burn, frostburn, electrocute damage has been added to Horn of Gandarr.

However, the skill description of Horn of Gandarr only shows 1051 elemental damage without any burn, frostburn and electrocute damage. (Sorry that I cannot upload more than 1 screenshot as I am new to this forum)

Is it just display issue or the skill modifier does not added as expected?

  • Hillman

The description of Horn of Gandarr.

sadly the ui isnt really reactive like that - apart from direct conversion on a main skill. put horn on left/right mouse button and check the second tab of you character sheet, you will see the damage over time component is there.

Thank you so much! I can see the real damage figures now.

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