[] - Infernal Beastmaster - Caster/Pets Hybrid Build - SR 76, Cr 150

GrimTools: Pyromancer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

This is a squishy caster/pets hybrid build that does surprisingly well! Look at this lovely 688k crit from the Angery Doggo (this is from 4:08 of the video). You’ll also note that this isn’t one of those ‘on-death’ big doggo explosions, it’s just a tasty crit. :smiley:

The pets typically keep aggro fairly well, but when they don’t, you’d better have that Evade ready! While this build can take the occasional hit, it’s really best if you use your mobility and pets as much as possible to avoid taking any damage. The tides can turn quickly, but the damage output of the build is surprisingly sturdy for a hybrid build. I think this is my first successful attempt at a hybrid build where I felt good about it. :smiley: The player damage is lowish, but still significant, offering ~90-120k damage hits with Oblivion at just under 3 per second. Certainly not great if you were relying on it solely, but as complementary damage to pets along with other devotions and procs, this build makes short work of most fights.

Here’s a video of SR 76 in about 5:35 or so. Not bad!

Unfortunately this build uses Tasty Greens, but it doesn’t necessarily require these exact prefixes or suffixes to function. Many of the other items are otherwise fairly easy to get. The character sheet shows that the overall pet damage is quite low, but there are a tonne of auras not listed on the pet damage sheet that add up to:

  • +48 +177% Elemental Damage
  • +173 +418% Fire Damage
  • +240 DA
  • +12% Crit Damage
  • +358 +4% OA
  • +22% Physical Resistance

Not to mention all of the pet-specific boosters like these:

…and other pet damage-type specific boosts that aren’t listed on the character sheet like these (from rings or components etc):


Anyway. It’s a fun build, because it’s not so tanky you can relax and just let it happen - it forces an engaging playstyle where you have to be paying close attention to when aggro is lost from your pets, and when you need to start dodging, and otherwise keeps the player engaged in the fights by getting you to attack with Oblivion and so on. Super fun in my opinion. I hope you enjoy it too! :smiley: