[] Seeking advice for further improving Valguur's Hunger Cabalist [Hardcore]

I recently made a Cabalist with the idea of using Valguur’s Hunger set along with some other pieces that increase vitality damage, in order to use Sigil of Consumption as my primary skill. Now, the character is solid and shows a lot of promise, for starters I managed to clear Alkamos without any problems (as the first build check).The dots from all the skills clear groups of enemies with ease and it’s really satisfying to look at them just waste away. I am still going trough the campaign but so far, my survival was never really put in question, considering high regen and attack damage converted to health from sigil, for example.

Along with Valguur’s set I also use 2 pieces of the Blood Knight set, just to get that 2 set bonus that it provides and in addition to that, the amulet grants +1 to Necromance skills along with little skeleton warriors that add further to the vitality damage that I use. I was wondering would something like Reaver’s Hunger and Bonewraith Pauldrons be more beneficial considering Reaver’s hunger damage added to Sigil. Besides that, the reason I decided to use Ravager’s bite in the main-hand slot, is because it converts Blood harvest to vitality entirely, not to mention the high vitality decay that I get on Dread skill. Other than that, I believe that Eldritch Pact relic is a decent choice here, but I am really torn between that and the very basic Mortality relic considering it provides a very decent buff of % damage to vitality. Current dps as it is shown is 35k with all buffs, that is coming from, and Sigil itself is around 23k damage, over 30k vitality decay on Bone Harvest.

The problem I feel that exists is the lack of damage when it comes to Boss enemies, everything else falls quickly due to dots, but I have a feeling that the damage is lacking when going after bosses, I feel like it’s a little bit slow. Therefore I am looking for any suggestions in order to improve the damage on the Sigil or the whole character in general.

Thank you in advance.

P.S. As for the devotion tree, I would say that it is in a pretty good shape considering I went for the Dying God and Rattosh the Veilwarden both, but different ideas are welcome. (Potions are also part of the build basically as well.)

I think this would be better damage wise (don’t mind the details like components or augments, I copied it from some other build and modified to my liking [had double rares], just a bigger picture) Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (feel free to spend the rest of the skill points)

  • damage

  • doesn’t miss Reduced Target’s Resistances (Scales devotion) like your build, very important for bosses

  • Rattosh is on Ravenous Earth so it actually procs quickly on single target and not after 1 / 0.15 s on average like if it’s on Ill Omen

  • Ravenous Earth is actually a good damage source, spam / stack as much as possible just like Sigils
    (23 RE at least for more projectiles)

    • you can still add Bone Harvest if you like
  • full Chaos → Vit, mandatory on a build like this imo for Sigil, Relic proc, Ravenous Earth mod here

    • can be obtained from a green belt as well but then it’s hard to get RE points

      • but it might be better to get this conversion from this belt, use some -Vitality Res weapon like your current one (or +duration to Sigil MI) and try to get 23 RE somehow

        • however Blightlord’s Carver compensates somewhat by significantly higher % Vit damage
  • try to get better OA on your build, 2.9k - 3k for starters

  • don’t forget to overcap your resistances, for example your Elemental / Aether resistances overcaps are kinda bad

  • Reaver’s Hunger faction amulet is your BIS till you find Soulcatcher probably

    • but w/o Soul Catcher RE doesn’t have cool red visuals

sth like this maybe Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Cabalist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Since this is a vendor weapon you could reset Hyram till you get Ascendant Source with +2 RE of Blight suffix :thinking:

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Just here to +1 tqFan pretty much. Chaos->vit belt is mandatory for sigil and to convert ravenous earth damage from this medal which is mandatory as well if you want more damage from build. Augments on jewelry need to be wraith’s scream so you have at least decent OA (some more from elsewhere is nice) find aether res elsewhere. Your poor OA is a part of the reason you lack damage in general, but especially bosses! Personally I used Loghorrean shoulders on mine for the huge stat boost. Would also suggest Impurity relic with a ravenous earth bonus if you can get it though nothing is wrong with Eldritch Pact or Solael’s Decimation, can use the latter to fix your OA issues temporarily. Also see no reason not to max Siphon Souls.

Weapon you can get siphon souls gun, sigil MI, or ravenous earth scepter. Either way I suggest trying to find one of these with demonic prefix and it’s rather useful to getting good OA on this exact build. Bonus points for +2 ravenous earth on the suffix!

100% suggest going with the devotion path in tqFan’s 1st link


It’s your build / Grim Tools that I modified / started with, in particular I stole this devotion for you :slight_smile:

I wish there were some shoulders with +X to RE because these faction ones are the only ones for Vit :frowning:

I think I needed Occultist relic to max Destruction whereas you had +2 to Destruction from Deceiver’s prefix on medal from what I remember so I wanted an easier setup.

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Thank you very much. I will definitely push the character into the direction that you guys suggested. I didn’t have much time to reply earlier, but I will take a look at the links and the items. Ravenous Earth is not something that originally envisioned this build using but I will go and reduce some points from other skills in order to invest into RE. I mean so far everything was OK, I suppose, but getting more OA, chaos conversion to vit like you suggested, along with the re-done devotion tree will definitely be an improvement. I guess, I have to do some farming around…