[] Aether AAR + Sigil of Consumption + Doom Bolt Warlock, SR 90+

Aether Albrecht’s Aether Ray Warlock

I decided to try Clairvoyant AAR Warlock. For sustain the build uses Sigil of Consumption and Conduit that changes it to aether and also Pulsing Shard for ADCtH to AAR. I also tried Fleshwarped Tome for more damage on AAR and damage reduction on Sigil of Consumption but Pulsing Shard has no competition if you are playing higher SR. Build also uses for defense Maiven’s Sphere for damage absorption and also Scales converted to mostly to aether for healing. Rattosh, Turtle and Dryad from devos are also useful defensively. For AAR tanking is important and this build is able to do it. It also uses Mirror of Ereoctes and Nullfication when needed. Build also uses Doom Bolt mostly converted to aether for additional damage. Even though it interrupts AAR it is a DPS boost. And you still leech due to Sigil of Consumption and Scales even if AAR is on pause. Total aether RR is up to -88 %. Build also uses crit damage to AAR - total is up to 87 % crit damage. Arcanist allows us to do spirit dump and significant amount of damage comes from this. Build also has nice racial damage to undead, chtonics and aetherials. This build can clear SR 80-81 fine and if played well even SR 90 most of the time.

Warlock, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

_Albrecht the Doomer.zip (813.6 KB)

This build is just a template. Customize it to your own liking. Crafting bonuses should be ideally to armor and stun resistance. Fleshwarped Tome is fine until SR 85. Best with the same affixes as Pulsing Shard.

AAR with passive buffs + Blood of Dreeg


I finished SR 80-81 5 out of 5 times. Don’t do stupid things and you will be fine.

In SR 85-86 I finished 4 out of 5 times within the timer. If you die once you will still make it within the timer. Petrify groups with rune skill and use mirror and nullification proactively. Reaper is slower to kill.

In SR 90 I finished 3 out of 5 times within the timer. If you die you will be on edge with the timer. Build is a little squishier here. Avoid ground damage. You have petrify on rune skill so use it in groups. You can tank bosses most of the time. Use mirror and nullification proactively. No boss is problematic.


Very interesting.
I am also leveling a pure aether AAR, with doom bolt for another attack and no Sigil of Consumption. Actually got a few nice adjustments based on your build, so thanks for that.

You also listed a total -88% aether RR. -40% from Widow, -18% from Clairvoyant set on Curse of Frailty, and -10% from the Band ring, which comes to -68%. Where’s the rest of -20%?

Scales devo possibly?

while it’s mechanically not a -x% debuff the effect is still the same as minus 20/having another -20%

*quick guess/assumption since Maverick mentions scales in OP atleast, unsure if there is a missed proc somewhere

Yeah, it is Scales. The RR on this build could get some bump. Like more on CoF… And Scales are not the best for flat RR but it is the one that fits here due to the devo path… Would be good if that flat RR had some AoE. You can use Fleshwarped Tome up to SR 85 but for SR 90 you need Pulsing Shard.

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I made some small changes to this build in devos resulting in more CC res and life at the cost of negligable loss in DPS and some energy regen.