[] Aggressive Acid Angery Boiz - Acid Pets - 4:30 Cr 150-170

GrimTools: Ritualist, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I made a pet build that can clear Crucible real fast :3

The pets are a little squishy with unmaxed resistances versing certain damage types, although Pierce, Bleeding and Aether are all capped or close to it from Mogdrogen’s Pact and Emboldening Presence buffs.

Here’s a vid of Crucible ~4:30. Crucible starts about 6 seconds in, and finishes about 6 seconds before the video ends. Total vid length is ~4:42, minus 2x6 = ~4:30. Yay!

This was my first run with the build. Maybe I just had a lot of good luck!

It can clear 75-76 in about 6:40 fairly comfortably, although without the Crucible buffs to help with the resistances, there’s a bit more resummoning of pets. That said, I’ve only done one SR run with it so far. It could be faster or slower depending.

The build overall feels very comfortable, with four taunting pets (Eldritch Hound, 2x Blight Fiends, Briarthorn), especially with each of them having AOE taunt attacks, and overall great AOE damage. Aggro is almost always on the pets. If it isn’t, then you have enough HP and defenses to take a few hits. The 35% fumble to enemies from Blight Fiends also heavily reduces incoming damage from melee attacks which is delightful.

The build is unlikely to be able to take down super bosses like Callagadra due to overall lack of healing and lack of physical resistance.


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