Dark ones Nightbringer Conjurer
UPDATED maelstrom points went to storm totem and serenity replaced meditation (even more damage now, dots from each new storm totems stack with the replaced one)
Build uses many sources of elemental dot damage which is all converted to vitality.
When flame torrent procs from different wind devil dot damage stacks from each torrent, same goes for tainted erruption which is only half converted, but poison modifier and rr pretty significant too. Huge duration bonus to vitality decay plays on it .
1)Huge phys resistance and RR.
2)Percent absorption + damage reduction + fumbles, impaired aim.
3)Big HP and health healing from totems.
3)Hardly misses any circuit breakers for HC (i died in SR 86 and Calla once, so it has two deaths in total, can be fixed with divine mark or serenity).
4)No flat absorption.
5)Low DA and OA which is not that significant for DoT build imo.
6)Pretty much buttons to use, but you can roll over and it’s fine.
7)Build is ongoing, suggestions appreciated.
Calla (more damage) ~1:35
Calla ~2mins
SR 95
naked crucible with extra 160-170 (not very fast, but still)
Sorry for shit graphic and lags, my videocard is broken
Hi, sorry if this a dumb question but Im still kinda new, about 200hrs, what skill do I need to put when I completed the Revenant devotion? In the grimtools there is no skill put there.
i binded it to stormtitan charge. Don’t want them spawn to often becouse they have spawning animation, with stormtitan charge there are always 6 of them if you use the ability each time its up.
After a little dispute i ve decided to share this updated version
It has less Health and stun resistance is not capped, but way more damage especially versus celestials becouse of highed OA, still very stable.
Also minor damage improvement can be achieved by maxing out maelstorm instead of savagery and recalling them during the fight, but instant damage without savagery sucks so i denied it.
Also spent like 20millions to get the serenity with elemental resistance crafting bonus.
as i said maelstorm and resummoning gives more in long fights but for farming instant damage from savagery is better. Also ADCTH with rattosh is very decisive.
ye i know that’s what you said, i’m just surprised, because low wd/low sav bonuses, low wps etc, lots of cast to interrupt + low attack speed.
100% conversion on maelstrom, several points left for ex swarm RR, crit bonus on secodn rite etc available bonuses instead seem like it “would” then outdo basically a, idono "avg?"savagery status, so seems kinda surprising going melee is still that strong vs “complete” caster investment. But perhaps those 14-15?+ points really isn’t’ that big deal/too little elsewhere either despite expecting it
it’s not low WD actually it says it’s 110k dps as i remember without abomination buff, just under savagery. And again second rite and etc is long, for regular farming savagery seems better.
Sure with 350% duration dot bonus that comes from maelstorm and flame torrent, but only when it maxed out i suppose. And it has like 16sec cd with cd reduction.
And i am sigil hater actually . For me builds on it are always super slow and it can do smth only heavy modded like old devastation and needs to be buffed, i think.
imo swinging Savagery with almost no wps and no attack speed is a meh proposition. Can be worth for the Might of the Bear bonus, but not worth to invest besides one point.
Also restless remains in gloves would help this piano a lot.
i played with savagery like 5/16 it’s super slow vs regular mobs and even bosses with ~2kk hp from key dungeons and etc, i didn’t like it. One upheaval or feral hunger and pack is gone.
i will try it with tainted heart in medal for resistances overcaps.