[] All content Vitality Decay Conjurer HC viable ✋

Dark ones Nightbringer Conjurer
UPDATED :arrow_down: maelstrom points went to storm totem and serenity replaced meditation (even more damage now, dots from each new storm totems stack with the replaced one)

old :arrow_down:

Build uses many sources of elemental dot damage which is all converted to vitality.
When flame torrent procs from different wind devil dot damage stacks from each torrent, same goes for tainted erruption which is only half converted, but poison modifier and rr pretty significant too. Huge duration bonus to vitality decay plays on it .
1)Huge phys resistance and RR.
2)Percent absorption + damage reduction + fumbles, impaired aim.
3)Big HP and health healing from totems.
3)Hardly misses any circuit breakers for HC (i died in SR 86 and Calla once, so it has two deaths in total, can be fixed with divine mark or serenity).
4)No flat absorption.
5)Low DA and OA which is not that significant for DoT build imo.
6)Pretty much buttons to use, but you can roll over and it’s fine.
7)Build is ongoing, suggestions appreciated.

Calla ~2mins



SR 95

naked crucible with extra 160-170 (not very fast, but still)

Sorry for shit graphic and lags, my videocard is broken


Do you have a GT link?


Not that I expect problems but it would be nice to kill :crate: too if it’s all content :stuck_out_tongue:


when i buy videocard, i expect hell lags)