[] HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician

Sup, folks…

Another beginner build idea i had some days ago… a tanky and flashy char, lots of devotions proccing while you facetank and bash the f*** out almost all of cairn trash!

The leveling process for this class is smooth, i leveled this char using forcewave (very fast and safe) until i reach Malmouth.

Let me show you the leveling process:

Lvl 1-10 Soldier, Level 10 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Started as a soldier… Look for a 2H melee weapon and spend your points on Forcewave and on the soldier mastery bar.

Lvl 10-20 Soldier, Level 20 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Continue spending points on forcewave, its secondary nodes and on the mastery bar (you can put one point on Menhir’s will just in case, if you’re olaying HC), activate monster totems and continue your way trough the campaign.

Lvl 20-30 Tactician, Level 30 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Once you reached squad tactics, put 1 point on field command and max out squad tactics ASAP, start spending points on FW secondary nodes and on the inqusitor’s mastery bar.
On devotions, start with scholar’s light, eel, then complete the Kraken.

Lvl 30-40 Tactician, Level 40 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

At this point you should be close of necropolis/loghorrean. Don’t forget to spend some points on word of renewal and it’s modifier word of arms. On devotions, complete the behemoth.

Lvl 40-50 Tactician, Level 55 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you reach malmouth, be sure to farm a Fleshwarped Shard - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and Ascendant Hood - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database (the helmet MI can be tricky to farm on early levels, the best way i found out is to go on the bounty table of the Malmouth resistance faction and skip the quests until the TORRAXSTERIA’s quest is available. You can find her on crown hill Grim Dawn World Map . Kill her and don’t report to the bounty table until she drops the MI, reset the game and kill her again until you get it)
When you get the helmet and weapon MI’s, respec your points of Forcewave and it’s nodes to Cadence (don’t forget to max it’s modifier: discord) and to the inquisitor’s mastery bar (max it, then max Aura of censure), spend some points on inquisitor’s seal, it’s modifier runic seal, and on war cry (max out terrify ASAP). On devotions, complete ghoul, revenant (bind it’s proc to cadence)

Lvl 50-60 Tactician, Level 60 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I started elite at Lvl 57. Upgrade gear, cap resistances, activate monster totems, on devotions, complete quill, owl and Rhowan’s crown (bind it’s proc to word of pain for now).

Lvl 60-70 Tactician, Level 70 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Check out your reputation with factions, don’t forget to buy their writs when you get honored with them. max out inquisitor’s seal and word of renewal. You should complete the campaign and malmouth DLC on lvl 70-72. On devotions, complete the blind sage and bind its proc to Word of pain (bind rhowan’s crown proc to inquisitor’s seal)

Lvl 70-80 Tactician, Level 80 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I started ultimate difficulty at lvl 72. Now yhou should be on a rush to get revered with factions and complete the vanilla campaign. Cap resistances, upgrade gear and activate monster totems!

Lvl 80-90 Tactician, Level 90 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you reach this lvl, you shoud already be revered with malmouth resistance. Buy their potion of clarity to increase our leveling speed. Don’t forget to also buy their Blueprint: Heart of Malmouth - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database blueprint and craft one. Do some runs on crown hill or repeat the torraxsteria’s bounty to upgrade your helmet and some runs on malmouth harbor to upgrade your weapon.
You can farm your pants near devil’s crossing, on dreeg’s guardian.
I used final march on boots, but if you didn’t droped any, you can buy Elite Legion Greaves - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database .
You can buy Elite Harvest Grips - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database for gloves.
You can find your shoulder armor on FG DLC, just look for the “Chosen” heroes.
Farm Galakros, the Mountain - Grim Dawn Monster Database for your chest armor.
Your rings and belt can be farmed on ugdenbog. (buy them on Vinelton or just farm them on ancient grove).
Your medal blueprint can be bought on Bysmiel’s cult on FG DLC.

Char LVL 100 first spec - Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

With a similar setup, you can farm all skeleton key dungeons and all monster totems!

Some video proof:

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Gargabol

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Morgoneth

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Korvaak

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Theodin Marcell

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Rashalga

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician x Kra’Vall

Had an idea using some advanced components and legendary itens and the build completed SR65 somewhat easily, proving to be an decent SR65-66 farmer.

Char current spec - Tactician, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

[] GRIM DAWN HC Beginner tri-elemental arcane tank tactician (Final spec) x SR65

Ty for reading!


Cadence build with no WPS and Deadly momentum, but 9/12 deadly aim, ouch.

War Cry is useless, you have flat RR on Rhowan’s Crown and Revenant and none of these stack with each other, same with damage reduction which doesn’t stack with Aura of Censure.

I’d bind Giant’s blood to Menhir’s Will, so that the proc doesn’t go off and gets wasted when you get hit by random trash.

Also, Ignaffar’s Combustion is probably a better choice of relic here, you really want all RR you can get, the lifesteal from Bane can be covered by Solael-Sect Legguards, which are a better fit anyway as you’re not stacking health regen.