[] Lightning Purifier, all celestial bosses, fight safely

Hi! :raising_hand_man:
I’m XBOX player :video_game: This is the third post. Lightning Purifier :damage_lightning:

Main skill is Storm Box :damage_lightning: and Mortar Trap (converted to lightning) :rocket:
After you activate Storm Box and Mortar Trap, you can take distance from the enemy :dash:
With two confusion skills, it’s no problem when surrounded by enemies :face_with_spiral_eyes:
With high health and health regeneration, you can fight while safely escaping :muscle:
Therefore, you can safely fight against celestial bosses :ok_man:

XBOX players can’t use MODs, so can’t fight Callagadra casually. However, with this build, it takes a little time to defeat, but you can win with a very high probability :ok_man:

1. Stats

2. Build

(other setup)
non-green: Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (if you don’t like Gollus’s Ring farming…)

3. How to survive

  • Let Storm Box and Mortar Trap attack enemies and you can take distance from enemies
  • two confusion skills
  • Heigh health: over 24000
  • Heigh health regeneration: over 8000/sec

4. Video
Callagadra: https://youtu.be/A-_6k1ZpfcU
Ravager Souls: https://youtu.be/bqBsmsS7pOw
Crate of Entertainment: https://youtu.be/Cf0CYNhBnsU
SR90: https://youtu.be/hCYUBdZu2Ik

5. Performance
Avatar of Mogdrogen: I can’t rematch because defeated him with the old setup
Callagadra: 5min 30sec
Ravager of Souls: 5min
Crate of Entertainment: 1min 20sec
SR: reached to SR90. No death from SR85 to SR90 :wink:

6. Leveling
Start Inquisitor, use Word of Pain and Storm Box.
use Word of Pain only when leveling.

Lv10 Inquisitor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv20 Inquisitor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv30 Inquisitor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv40 Inquisitor, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv50 Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv60 Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv70 Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv80 Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv90 Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Lv94-100 When you reach to Lv94 (or Lv100), change to final build (see chapter 2.Build)

7. Devotion Guide
use 1 point to yellow(Order) at Crossroads
complete Tortoise
complete Lizard
use 1 point to red(Chaos) at Crossroads
complete Jackal (get it temporarily to get other constellations. remove it later)
use 1 point to green(Eldrich) at Crossroads
complete Eye of the Guardian (get it temporarily to get other constellations. remove it later)
complete Behemoth
complete Widow
complete Harvestman’s Scythe
complete Rhowan’s Crown
complete Tempest
complete Panther
remove Jackal and Eye of the Guardian (8 points back)
complete Solemn Watcher
use 4 points to Tree of Life

8. Attribute
keep attribute and use them when you do not pass equipment requirement.
attribute can be reset later.

9. Factions
Kymon’s Chosen
Order of Death’s Vigil
→ choose the one you like

Cult of Bysmiel
Cult of Dreeg
Cult of Solael
→ choose the one you like

Have fun! :grinning:


Hi sir, can give rough guides for leveling? Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi sir, can give rough guides for leveling? Thanks in advance

update finished! :ok_man:

big thanks :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I’m going to give this build a try since I play a lot on Xbox also. Thanks for posting :smiley:

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added video (SR90) :ok_man:

Wanted to give you a big thanks for this build
I am not at all in endgame but your build is very cool to level up with!
I’m an hc enjoyer and the I got the feeling this build is the safest I ever played :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks again

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