All craftables on pierce resist/physic/armor (from Angrim)
Pierce/bleeding infiltrator with big health, phys resist and healing increase bonus. 1)Pneumatic burst and healing salve heal almost 70% of 21k HP, also lifesteal is keeping up health pretty solid.
2)Dodge chance ~65% from dodge stat and fumble implied to enemy.
3)Permament flat absorption from inquisitor seal.
4)Some circuit breakers, which are pretty rare for class.
1)Craftable items pretty hard to get. I was forced to craft like mad for about 1k scrap to get appropriate resistances and pierce damage properties.Meanwhile MIs are easy to get (these swords drop 5 pieces each run up to Gollus).
2)Low OA for celestial powers activation, but when deadly aim is up it’s decent
3)Absence of percent absorption and damage reduction, but the last one can be obtained by tyrant affix in one of the swords.
Mogdrogen (not the best character to right click him on hardcore, but you can always run and wait for circuit breakers are up, but i right clicked him by first try actually)
Ravager of flesh