[] Thunderbolt - The Primal Strike Warder [c+] [sr+]

Any changes to this with latest patch?


The gloves got nerfed though.

They’re still bis


Even with reduced AS? I switched to Runesinged after nerfs and AS and da is better than before.

hi there. really love this build, but i got a big problem: my energy costs seems to be 6 times higher than yours. after 20 secs of fighting i´m oom. in your videos it seems that you got almost no energy cost. my build is exactly like your newest sr grimtools, except legs. where is my mistake? i did a testing with your savegame, and got the same result like when playing my own char. very confused now… greetings

That’s strange, but if so, you can change medal component to arcane spark

Build was updated to, also I will add crusible vid a bit later

Added Avatar and Crucible vids


Very nice build!

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What’s the new order to assign Devotions points?
The one listed in comments has constellations like Ghoul and Viper which in the latest Grim Tools aren’t present.

Routeway in devos

Thank you. I guess I missed the updated link in the comments?
The ones on top of the character snapshot don’t have a Devos step by step enabled.

I’m referring to these links:

There’s no devo route because it’s an endgame build, not levelling guide and I’m too lazy to do this)

Oh gotcha. Well I do appreciate you providing me with the Devo progression.
This is my first character in GD and with the leveling version and 3 pieces of Ultos I just couldn’t kill Gargabol. After making the switch to your endgame build I smacked him on first try.
Thank you.


Updated to Basically 0 changes-just swapped 1 or 2 augs. Since Tempest affix is dead ther’s no point to farm double rares. Phys res nerf didn’t affect Ultos much so it’s preformace is +/- same as before.
All items were crafted to slow resist. Vids will be updated later today


Made some more tests with different belt affixes, so Dread lord’s is a good alternative here