[] Unconventional Fire/Cold Gunslinger NB


Hello everyone, today, I’m excited to share one of my unconventional GD builds with you. These builds are often labeled as weird, bad, unoptimized, or unusual by others, but I have a deep appreciation for them nonetheless. Not every character needs to be an overpowered Conjurer or Warlord. I enjoy experimenting with different builds and classes to see what unique outcomes I can achieve. If you consider that you can improve the build then you can recreate it and modify it as much as you want, please refrain from spamming "OP, your character is sh$t, you should have done this and that… " etc.

Build Pros & Cons


  • High self sustain from ABB + Word of Renewal + Pneumatic Burst
  • High health but mostly due to good gear, Bysmiel pants and Gargoyle Helmet
  • Almost Flawless CC resistances
  • Very High Resistances Over-cap
  • Fairly high DPS, Mog kill in ~3:20 minutes
  • Good DPS vs both Hoards and Solo Bosses


  • Requires good [Mi] gear with high health

Why it’s unconventional?

The character uses x2 Hagarradian Enforcerers which are meant for Cold oriented heroes additionally i used the Conduit which reduces the cooldown to 0 but also converts the damage type to Fire, the Nightblade lacks Fire/Elemental Resistance Reduction. Even with the Conduit the character still deals Cold damage from the Weapons and Lethal Assault (acid damage converted to cold global conversion from guns), i have decided to make an Elemental build in order to not lose the flat Cold damage. When i theory-crafted the build i thought that i will have more cold damage, after finishing it i have noticed that the character deals 75% fire damage and 25% cold damage which is less cold damage that i have anticipated but it was too late to back down.

As an option you can create a pure Fire ABB with Hagarradians + Ember’s Calling

Grimtools Link


The YouTube Runs

The Ultimate Dungeon runs + Nemesis bosses, Lokarr, Clones
Modrogen Kill
Ravager Kill
Callagadra Kill
Shattered Realms 65-72


i’m guessing because you didnt’ factor in weapon dmg being converted to fire too?
the sole source of cold dmg you have there is 90flat acid mod from helmet, unscaled, and 127 acid from Lethal assault, 30% of steel resolve/10flat, for a total of 90 native and 137 WD flat
“everything” else is gets fire
500-600 native on ABB, 105 cold from lethal assault, native WD on hags, and even the flat elemental sources you have on relic/gloves seru
it’s all applied via WD on ABB, thus gets turned to fire

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Great idea! I missed these mods “somehow”.

Dual Damage builds are my jam - excellent job here! :+1: :+1:

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looks like tdm got added in 1.2.1,

wut, you don’t pay attention to every single entry in your own changelog thread ? :stuck_out_tongue:

wait, dose that mean i should use dual hags instead of the rifle :thinking:


I knew about WD conversion i just had a brain-fart, maybe i will make another pure fire ABB later.

was about to suggest using the “conversion helmet to get 50/50 transmuter conversion”
then, checking on GT first, i realize the helmet converts cold to acid - talk about brainfart :smile:

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I had a similar thought when I saw the gun get buffed.

After seeing yours, I threw some stuff on a half-finished Infiltrator I had, balanced “elemental” devotion.
Not quite ready to be shown yet.

However, with a balance between fire and cold (still 400% more cold dmg b/c of guns and Mythical Icescorn Talons, the damage distribution looks like this:


29% cold damage, 61% fire damage without DoTs.
or 24% cold damage, if you count the DoTs.

With that damage distribution, I don’t think you can skip Solael’s Witchblade devo and it might just be better to for for straight fire damage, just use the guns.

Edit: Build so far:

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Interesting build, i tried to make a pure Fire ABB with Ember’s Calling and Solael Blade but, man it sucks :smiley: Ember’s Calling has 0% physical resistance and i cant even reach 26 ABB without Sellcor’s March, i have to chose between 13k hp with ~7% physical res or 15k with 0% p.res. Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator , i might take the solael blade on my original build and move around the constellations.