[] Unconventional Fire/Fire Retaliation hybrid Shieldbreaker


Hello everyone, today, I’m excited to share one of my unconventional GD builds with you. These builds are often labeled as weird, bad, un-optimized, or unusual by others, but I have a deep appreciation for them nonetheless. Not every character needs to be an overpowered Conjurer or Warlord. I enjoy experimenting with different builds and classes to see what unique outcomes I can achieve. If you consider that you can improve the build then you can recreate it and modify it as much as you want, please refrain from spamming "OP, your character is sh$t, you should have done this and that… " etc.

Build Pros & Cons


  • Decent Damage
  • Good AoE


  • Very Low Resistance Over-Cap
  • Low DA
  • Low CC Resistances (i did my best trying to mend the absence of CC resistances with components and the chest piece)

Why it’s unconventional?

I have tried to create a mix (a hybrid) between a Fire oriented character and a Fire Retaliation oriented character, usually people tend to select something one, to be frank i have expected more from the character’s performance, i used Hellborne together with other items which grants both Fire and Fire Retaliation damage but trying to do two different things brings poor results. While such items do provide both retaliation and fire damage but they lose something in exchange, for example Runeplates of Ignaffar grants both retaliation and fire damage but usually pants additionally have CC resistances while Runeplates does not.

During Theory-Crafting I have tried to mix in some Retaliation Constellation in like Messenger of War, Hyrian and some others but as result my OA was very low something like ~2500ish. Pity that Kraken and Hydra +%all damage bonuses doesn’t also increase %retaliation damage but oh well…
Even though i consider the experiment somewhat failed, i definitely enjoyed the process.

Grimtools Link



Dungeon runs + nemesis bosses
SR 65-72
Lokarr + Clones
NOTE: I killed Ravager 3 times and every time it was difficult, multiple Serenity procs, maybe a Cluster pop, it’s likely because i have low Cast Speed (the Hellborne grants only attack speed, as result i have long animations) so it’s difficult to kite him, low HP regen and low armor/resistances additionally increases the difficulty.


I thought what if you go the other way with the devotions…
I ended up with more DA, but healing tanked and the rest isn’t really much better. Little bit more attack speed, but less critical. Little more resists, but less retaliation. Also less health, so overall it’s probably not any better. I tried :sweat_smile: