Thanks for the update! The current grimtools does not have any points into wind devils?
god damn it, wrong link
EDIT: Thanks, fixed now
Since I know OP is a GD build legend, could someone explain to me why he is using that seemingly suboptimal lvl 84 weapon ?
- huge flat Bleeding Damage
- attack/casting speed
- lots of Heatlh
- +2 to Devouring Swarm & mods for more damage and -RR%
- Crimson Wake proc
What’s not to love here? What would you suggest as an alternative when this weapon fits the build to a T…
- It’s an axe (Berserker constellation)
A lot of legendary items are level 84 instead of 94… they’re on average just as good.
Gotcha, thank you for answering me.
The new update of this build uses 2 malmouth blade seal instead of 1 mbs and 1 ring of orissia
Is the ring of orissia becoming obsolete?
I also assigned points as per “update” but I have 2 unused points, where could they be put?
Needed to max out blade spirit.
I’m not the OP, but Anatomy of murder and Primal bond would be nice choices.
Hello, I’ve been using this build for a couple days, finished normal and jumped straight to ultimate. Normal was almost too easy, I’m having a blast with the build. Thanks for posting it !
Heart of the Wild! More bang per buck here.
No problem but this is a build meant for endgame, during levelling it would be something else. But glad you are having fun.
Isn’t it already maxed out ?
Maybe I have the wrong link
I overcapped it, yes. Maybe you were answering a different question tho.
I was answering this:
So was looking for places to put 2 extra points, though I still don’t know where Gbz4 took them from…
I realise but I got confused because I am not sure how they distributed it in the first place.