[] - Corruptian Physical Death Knight (no green) - SR34, AoM 1:15, Ravager of Flesh 1:02, Callagadra 1:23


Did not want to sleep too much on the revised Corruptian as it gave me the opportunity to do a DK. :slight_smile:

With warcry an insta cast now this screamed for Warborn. Other than this there is no out of the box or unusual approach now. Simplicity is the most of sophistication. Done very very little play testing with this one, so I am sure you will be able to help out how to make this better, although it works. (pretty damn well)

Dunno what to do with Shifting Sands. Maybe a 5%HP node would be better instead.
edit: Decided to drop Shifting Sands and Hound. Picked up Hammer and more nodes on Berserker. Killed Ravager in 1:02 with this new devo setup. Added video to the appropriate section.


The general idea, as we are warborn, is physical Cadence supported with WPS. Revised Corruptian serves this very well phys buffing Zolhan’s Technique and Necrotic Edge. We have 106% WPS chance, so we always proc something when cadence is not ready. I did not want to pull points from soft capped Zolhan’s Technique and Necrotic Edge as these help out with AoE damage.

The MVP of this show is Warcry as we utilize both the Damage Reduction and Reduced Physical Resistance debuffs in a 16.8m area for 5 seconds. With Warborn Visor’s -3sec cooldown to Warcry, we can keep these debuffs up 24/7. Have I mentioned that warcry is an instant cast which does not interrupt other actions? Neat.

I tried to make this as lean as possible so no piano this time, just brute force. :slight_smile:

Lets see the results.


SR30 - A walk in the park.

SR34 - At this level this is still kind of casual. I mean you can do 9/10 deathless runs if you pay attention to mechanincs, not RAMBOing and you are not drunk.

Avatar of Mogdrogen - 1:15 Decent kill. This was recorded with an earlier (weaker) iteration of the build.

Ravager of Flesh - 1:08 No full facetank this time.

Ravager with new devo setup - 1:02

Callagadra - 1:23

As always, constructive criticism is welcome.

Happy Gaming,


you don’t have to repost btw, just poke Dammitt in the GT thread
(and or check formatting meets the crawler criteria)

Yesterday I have contacted Dammitt, modified the post, and still it was not captured. Now it is there. Dont know what caused the issue.

edit: the original post was deleted in the meantime
This is a repost as the original is somehow not catched up by GT forum crawler and I would like to have it listed there. Hope this will be… I think I will delete the first post, so thanks again here to @Orwund for the valuable inputs.

Why don’t sand tornadoes appear in the duel with Calagadra? Is there a special trick that only you know about?

I kite Calla away from the tornados. If you kill it fast enough the tornados will not respawn.

Tested this out a bit and the conclusion is that I don’t know :smiley: It seemed random when the tornados spawn and when not. I guess it is related to where the tornados were summoned initially on the map.

Soul Harvest confuses me a little. We focus on physical, so it’s only useful for the flats and only when we trigger Necrotic Edge? Or am I missing something?

Yes, it is useful for flats. The cold part is mainly beneficial with Necrotic Edge but the vitality part is global converted to phys by our belt. This justifies Dread as well as we convert vitality decay to internal trauma.

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Thanks, I was looking for conversion, but somehow missed the belt.

Which Greens would benefit this build?

It is hard to say with this one. I think leg, maybe amulet but beronath is a very solid choice here, where greens can come into play. Kuba chausses supports deadly momentum. Reaper’s Leggings supports oleron’s rage. Both of them lack phys res and the proc on Barbassos is godlike. Good ol’ Solael-Sect for adcth is always nice.

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I would recomend the ones who seek greens for this build to take aim on +25% resistances overcaps with being able to add another titan plating for reflect resistance