[] Floor is lava! BWC spam Infernal Knight Shieldbreaker [SR80+, superbosses]

I really enjoy the concept of stacking multiple AoEs on top of each other, so building a BWC spam build was fun! The idea started with |Marcus|, so there’s multiple similarities, even if the class is different.



  • Throwing tons of bottles on a same spot to make ground burn REALLY hard! Screen filled with fire and numbers!
  • An absurd amount of defensive proc layers! (Turtle Shell, Dryad’s Blessing, Arcane Barrier, Wayward Soul, Giant’s Blood, Blast Shield, Resilience and Prismatic Rage.)
  • Idk, it’s just really simple and enjoyable for me!


The build linked in Grim Tools is more of a template than the best possible one. There’s some flexibility, as long as the priorities are met:

  • Infernal Knight set has pretty annoying arrangement of resistances, so you have to fill up the gaps. Piercing and Bleeding isn’t that important and Elemental is lower priority than rest as Blast Shield boosts it.
  • Ascension (with Clarity of Purpose) covers status resistances, but you may want to craft/comp some in if you just want to use it liberally on cooldown.
  • Cast Speed!! Boosts both bottle throwing and BWC tick speed. Spellwoven Threads may be necessary, but theoretically with a bit of luck you can cap Cast Speed with good rolls.
  • Tankiness, especially Health as it scales well with multiple %-based proc heals. The build relies on procs for sustain, so it’s extremely important to stay alive while waiting for Dryad to give her blessing. (2.5 seconds feels such a long time in action!)


There’s some specific choices I’ve made, here I’m gonna explain the biggest ones:

  • Judgment instead of Flashbang:
    Infernal Knight set boosts Judgment quite a bit and it’s good for proccing Meteor 100% of the time. Its animation is also faster than Flashbang’s, making it fluid more smoothly with BWC. However, Searing Light’s Fumble and Impaired Aim are nice.
  • Annihilation instead of Korvaak’s Deception:
    The latter’s stats are amazing the build would appreciate them, but you NEED the Cast Speed as well as Energy Cost reduction. Meteor is also a nice proc, Blazing Eruption is totally wasted.
  • Ugdenbog Flamestrife instead of Herald of Blazing Ends:
    I’m a bit biased, as I had a god tier Flamestrife, but I think the 150% bigger flat damage on BWC instead of more burn and duration is better for a spam build. Both work though.

Various things to note:

  • If you’re not doing hard content, Enchanted Flint works really well as long as you can fix the lost resistances from removing the Seal of Might. Not only they have 100% Fire and Burn modifier per piece, but also 10% Physical to Fire conversion each. Judgment, both Meteors and Guardians of Empyrion appreciate it.
  • Trust your procs! They (usually) don’t let you die. This isn’t a viable build for HC, but unless you’re fighting The Mad Queen or the superbosses, you can kinda comfortably facetank anything.

Here’s a messy SR80 run, enjoy!