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Not too long ago i saw someone making builds solely around arbalests so i decided to give it a try too. The Mythical Sparkbolt Arbalest immediately caught my attention, decent damage, attack speed, +2 to all Demolitionist skill greatly benefits Fire Strike and on top of that a curious Passive Stun Jacks skill.
But the weapon and the build itself has quite a big problem, the game lacks global damage modifiers that would convert Fire to Lightning, i was thinking about using the Stormherald’s Visage or Mythical Dread-Mask of Gurgoth for its global conversion. But after some thinking, i decided to not use these items, they do not have +1 to all skills. Fire Strike is a skill point hungry skill, losing +1 to all skills hurts a lot. The only worthy item that has global conversion is Mythical Dawnshard Hauberk , half of my damage is Fire, having 25% conversion is not sufficient.
I have decided to build an elemental build in order to support my flat Fire damage counterpart.
I believe there are two paths, you can either use Dagallon’s Faceguard for its +1 to all stats, flat damage and Chaos conversion combine with Fabius’ Pauldron to raise Fire Strike to level 22. But during the theory-crafting i have notice that i do not have sufficient physical resistance when using half of Dagallon set so i decided to use incomplete Ulzuin’s Infernal Avatar for it’s solid damage, +2 to Demo and 15% physical resistance. [there is also Shattered Guardian, but i do not like it for it’s lack of damage]
The other items i use are neutral elemental Mythical Boots of Primordial Rage for it’s 5% physical resistance, Mythical Leggings of Arcane Currents for the same reasons but a good pair of (elemental) Bysmiel-Sect Legguards of vitality for a good chunk of HP bonus is a good decision too. The Mythical Korvaak’s Brand is pretty much a must-have item, the build lacks Life Leech so 8% LL from the item is crucial. Mythical Combustion Band and Living Ring of Destruction for +2 to Fire Strike.
- Classic Kraken + Hydra, for Attack Speed, damage, and movement speed combined with Inquisitor Ranged Expertise we can reach 151% movement speed.
- Viper for +20% elemental Resistance Reduction.
- Optionally, you can include Rhowan’s Crown and ditch Blackwater cocktail.
- Blind Sage and Attack Seru for Elemental damage bonuses.
- If you prefer a more defensive play then you can ditch either Blind Sage or Seru in order to take Turtle and Crab, maybe with Ghoul sprinkled above, you can never have too many anti-death safety nets.
We still have 2 devotion points floating, i decided to take the Sailor’s Guide for Slow resistance, but we can optionally take attack speed from Jackal for a more aggressive approach.
- Seal of the Void for its Attack Technique, we rely on auto-attacks, so having many techniques benefits us.
- Three Sacred Plating and a one Ancient Armor Plate to secure 100% armor absorption.
- (usually i do not like using 3 plating in chest, head, and shoulders but this specific character lacks aether and vitality resistance)
- Tainted heart for resistances.
- We have 30% disruption resistance, so we do not need the Arcane Spark.
- Consecrated Wrappings and Seal of Annihilation for Attack speed bonuses.
- Potent Malmouth’s Heart fits perfectly granting both fire and lightning
- I like having some extra elemental resistance, so I decided to use the Arcanum Dust
- Malmouth Woundsear Powder and Spellward Powder to fix our lacking vitality and bleeding resistances.
Morgoneth dungeon, lokkar and clones + some Nemesis bosses
(it has only music because I was listening to an audiobook in parallel, sorry ._. )