[] Unconventional Bleed/Physical/Trauma Sentinel


Hello everyone, today, I’m excited to share one of my unconventional GD builds with you. These builds are often labeled as weird, bad, unoptimized, or unusual by others, but I have a deep appreciation for them nonetheless. Not every character needs to be an overpowered Conjurer or Warlord. I enjoy experimenting with different builds and classes to see what unique outcomes I can achieve. If you consider that you can improve the build then you can recreate it and modify it as much as you want.

Build Pros & Cons


  1. Surprisingly decent damage, all the bleed and trauma procs stack and enable the Hit and Run tactic
  2. High OA


  1. Low CC resistances, even with Ascension
  2. Squishy, low armor
  3. Cant do high level Shattered Realm and 150-170 Gladiator Crucible, the sheer amount of CC’s coupled with high damage, the character often is in dangerous position forcing to use Clusters to survive ( i decided to use a shield and try to beat the Crucible this way but it did not help much)

Why it’s unconventional?

I was always interested in making a Bleed/Trauma build, this time my attention was captured by the Mythical Scion of Crimson Wakes item, it’s an unusual Bleed Eye of Reckoning item, the thing with the Eye of reckoning is that the bleed damage it deal simply reapplies itself, so even if you hit a target multiple times the bleed damage will remain the same.

Ideally, this item is used in pure Bleed oriented builds.

The physical damage dealt by the Scion is small and the healing you receive from the (18% of Attack Damage converted to Health to Eye of Reckoning) as result is also not reliable, i decided to experiment a bit and create a Physical/Bleed build while dual-wielding these Scions. When you dual-wield weapons and use EoR your character strikes with both weapons at the same time.

The Build

The problem with EoR is that the half of it’s damage is Fire, so i need something to convert all that Fire damage to Physical, one of the few items in this game that supports Physical/Bleed and has the conversions is the Baldir’s Regalia set. When picking the gears i tried to chose items that supports both Bleed and Physical.

The idea is to use Curse of Frailty to reduce both Physical and Bleed resistance, use Judgment to reduce the Defence Ability and deal Physical/Trauma damage, dive in with Vire’s Might, use the EoR, apply the Bleed damage and disengage.

Grimtools Links

Dual-Wield Scions
A more defensive version with Kalis Shield


Lokarr, Clones, Nemesis
Mogdrogen it’s kinda funny that at the end of the fight Mog still had 1 million health but melted while i was dodging his Sunder Storm attack
Ravager risky, the ravager deals tons of physical damage, during this fight i decided to use a shield
Callagadra Hit and Run

Overall, this time the build did not surprise me with it’s performance, xD it was exactly what i have expected, not a true Physical EoR nor a good Bleed build, i believe the performance would be greater if i prioritized one damage type, not all experiments have to be successful :slight_smile: