[] Arcane Luminari- Beginner elemental PRM mage hunter- Tanky and fast endgame farmer- suitable for first char

After a long time away from softcore on the game i decided to build an elemental caster from the scratch.

Tbh, this char became so tanky that i can say it’s totally HC viable! Char has zero deaths until now.

The gameplay is very simple, and i must say… FUN!

This build use few buttons, so it’s lazy and controller friendly.

Stay on your seal and use word of pain to do a decent damage, debuff/proc and destroy tons of mobs using your panetti’s! This char have a very fast clearing speed too!

I leveled this mage hunter without using merits, mandates, potions and any other exp boosters.

This char uses some Mi’s and faction gear. Endgame farming build uses a legendary helmet but it’s target-farmable, so you do not need to count on random drops.

Actual char :arrow_forward: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator :arrow_backward:

The leveling was very fast and safe:

Lvl 1-10 Inquisitor, Level 10 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I started as inquisitor. Spend a point on word of pain, one on storm box of elgoloth and one on the mastery bar. The early leveling is great using these two skills combined, so we have a good AoE and single target damage at the same time.
When you reach the 6 first devotion points, complete the imp devotion and bind the proc skill to word of pain, it will help a lot boosting your damage.

If you’re wondering “But this is not an PRM build? Why do not start as arcanist and use PRM since from the beginning?”
Well, the answer is: PRM can be a bit stressful at early stages for it’s high energy cost to spam and the low initial damage, so i chose this leveling strategy that i personally found out very more enjoyable.

Lvl 10-20 Inquisitor, Level 20 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After defeating warden Krieg, continue the campaign until you reach twin falls, once there, go straight to the swarming hive to farm our first precious MI, the ulraprax sting.
After that, i took a detour to the FG dlc (chose cult of dreeg) then headed straight to the crawling nest.
There you will fight lots of scarab bugs, keep slashing them until you drop another precious MI, the scarab carapace.
After that it’s a good idea farming one chosen mask. You can find it more often doing some runs at the tomb of sethan, near (north) of the infernal wastes rift. Once there, look for sister crimson, she always drops some of the “chosen gear”.
I rushed to aura of censure on the inquisitor’s mastery bar and maxed it ASAP.

Lvl 20-30 Mage Hunter, Level 30 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After completing the FG dlc, i came back to the vanilla campaign, start spending points on the arcanist’s mastery bar! on devotions, complete the quill, spend one point on ascendant (crossroads), then spend 3 points on rhowan’s crown (bind the proc to word of pain, change the imp’s proc to storm box of elgoloth), complete the jackal.

On homestead, choose the order of death’s vigil, you will need it to farm more easily the ascended epaulets from noveria stormfire.

If i didn’t mentioned yet, always remember to activate all monster totems you find! just stand on your seal, use WoP and SBoE and you should be fine!

Lvl 30-40 Mage Hunter, Level 40 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

When you reach maiven’s sphere of protection on the arcanist’s mastery bar, spend a point on it the you should all your points on the mastery bar until you reach proliferation.
On devotions, complete the behemoth, spend a point on order (crossroads), complete the tortoise, spend a point on primordial (crossroads), complete lotus, spend a point on chaos (crossroads), remove imp, remove jackal, complete empty throne, complete crab.
Around this lvl you should be getting near the Necropolis, it’s a good idea doing some runs on plains of strife, look for an hero enemy there called Loxmere nightmage, he drops another good MI, the ascended vestment (another “possessed humans” mobs appears on this area and they have a chance of dropping it too.

Lvl 40-50 Mage Hunter, Level 50 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After defeating the loghorrean on the necropolis, head straight to ugdenbog, there we will farm Bargoll for our main weapon MI, the Bargoll’s Heart. He spawns near the ugdenbog rift:

When i got to barrolholm, i chose to be enemy with them, and the reason is very simple: It’s much more easy to farm our great medal MI, the wendigo eye on their cellar (great density of wendigo enemies).

Now you’re ready to respec your storm box of elgoloth points to Panetti’s replicating missile! max PRM and all of its nodes ASAP.

On devotions, complete the chariot of the dead and the raven.

I got to malmouth and finished theirs quests at lvl 52, so i started elite.

Lvl 50-60 Mage Hunter, Level 60 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Check your gear and resistances.

Now you should be getting honored with most of the factions, don’t forget to buy their writs to speed up the exp gain.

On devotions, spend 6 points on blind sage (bind proc to PRM) and 5 points on hyrian.

Lvl 60-70 Mage Hunter, Level 70 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I finished vanilla campaign and DLC’s at lvl 79, remember to upgrade your gear when reaching LVL70 to cap your resistances.

Lvl 70-80 Mage Hunter, Level 80 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

On ultimate, remember to check your resistances and activate all monster totems! Now you should be getting revered with most of the factions.
Head to malmouth to get revered withe them ASAP, they sell us the potion of clarity that will help us a lot getting to LvL 100.

Lvl 80-90 Mage Hunter, Level 90 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After getting getting revered with malmouth, it’s time to begin our endgame farming!

First thing, buy from their faction shop our main amulet blueprint
Time to farm our leg armor, go farm the dreeg’s guardian near devil’s crossing, look for some elemental dmg boost affixes.
On gloves, if you didn’t dropped any inscribed bracers (they drop very oftenly, tho) you can buy a elite rhowari handguards from the rovers faction shop in arkovia until you get one mythical inscribed bracers

You can buy your boots on black legion’s faction shop.

You already know where to farm your armor, shoulder, weapon (look for +casting speed affixes) and medal.

Your rings and belt can be bought on vinelton’s shop on ancient grove.
(i recommend farming the undergrowth for better affixes on rings and crafting materials too (ugdenblooms) and if you’re having trouble with the belt affixes on the shop, you can farm it from Naxen shade on barrolholm mines.

Your helm can be a nice Fettan Mask that you get from a urn near the maw of enaht entrance on FG dlc.

When you reach FG dlc final boss, farm it until he drops our main helm, the Horns of Korvaak (the farming process is easy and safe.

My char when i got to lvl 100 :arrow_forward: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator :arrow_backward:

After hours of farming korvaak, here’s the final version (until now) of my char
:arrow_forward: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator :arrow_backward:

As i was playing softcore this time, i made a little test…On the videos, you can see i didn’t even needed to use mirror of ereoctes when fighting bosses and even clearing SR26. So i will say again: This char is HC viable.

Some video proof:

Rashalga (mad queen)


Gargabol (full run with kuba fight)

Morgoneth (full run)

Theodin Marcell


SR26 run

Thank you very much for reading! Any suggestion/help for improving this beginner build is welcome!


part of me can’t help but feel it’s a “sad” state of affairs when PRM caster magehunter uses a shield instead of caster-offhand because superior :sweat_smile:

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Elementium says hi.

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I opened the first gt link and I have some questions:

  • why not overcap Censure and Seal and Maiven?
  • what’s the point of Deadly Aim’s soft cap when you have so many important skills not at the breakpoint or not invested at all (like one point into Fabric of Reality?)
  • Where does sustain come from, just Giant?
  • What is the point of 10/10 Conversion if all of your cc res are overcapped?
  • Why not take Moosie shoulders for more seal ranks?
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Yeah i saw another beginner prm using a groble offhand and wanted to build something different :joy: gladly in the end it worked just fine

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Hi. Ty for the reply.

  1. Can be. Totally optional.
  2. Same as 1 :joy:
    3 and 4. Conversion helps with CC and energy leech
  3. Yeah, on the original theorycraft i idealized this shoulder armor, but i didn’t dropped any moosie’s MI yet, like i said on the guide, it’s a 100% ssf fresh start on SC and i didn’t used pre-farmed gear

Yeah for thia flick is excellent. Sadly i didn’t dropped any until now

I think Deadly Aim’s soft cap is that. But every point in Seal is worth more than the previous one. Censure and Maiven are just a no-brainer max investments.

Also, you should use faction medal Shadow Queen.

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I agree that this medal is a nice option too.
On the theorycraft i had maiven’s and seal maxed, but i didn’t expect the char to be so tanky, so i didn’t needed it maxed for the “basic” challenges. Maybe when fighting harder content?

Not sure it’s better than what you currently have tbh. But it has explicit prm support :stuck_out_tongue:

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blue shield, = no modifiers, aint no way that’s better than anything/superior :smile:

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I think it can be a fine update. Must test when droo one

Can’t wait to test out :joy:

Those overcaps have so much value it’s never a question of whether to invest into them or not. Not investing into them is just a mistake. Especially Censure and Seal. Same with not taking faction medal that gives Censure points, flat to PRM and then radius to Censure.

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Yeah sadly blues are usually a bit crap. I hope they get some love with the expansion.

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well, some stuff is already guaranteed to allow ascending, it’s just a question of which blues they allow :sweat_smile:

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Thank you for the suggestions! I’ll keep that in mind for the next updates :fist_right::fist_left:

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Videos are PRIVATE.
maybe adjust your Youtube settings…

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Thank you! I wasn’t aware :frowning:

i’ve been reading builds constantly for the last 2 days, and you are the best writer on here. the format, the detail, it’s glorious, thank you for awesome guides!