[] Bleeding/Procs Caster Trickster, SR32

Ok, then at least I’m not the only one hating him :laughing: I mean I killed him several times with this build already, the thing is if the area is spacey enough to kite him around and avoid his projectiles till he’s dead. But in BoC that can be really tough.

I uploaded a vid of a BoC Lagoth’Ak run, the link is in the first answer to the main post. Don’t mind me playing like total dogsh*t in parts, we call it “Vorführeffekt”, no clue what the word is in english, means that as soon as you’re presenting something to others you’ll do worse than you’d normally do. But at least I ran into BOTH Nemesis bosses and was able to kill both this time, so that’s something. Medal drop was total crap for the build, wrong base item anyways. But I also had a ‘bloodletters of readiness’ drop in a different run, that’s really good and I’m probably gonna wear it when I get +2 to Blade Spirits elsewhere. I just love this build and how everything just melts around you and gets hit by a ton of procs/pets. Grava just dies while I’m kiting him :laughing:

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Stop farming right there. Odds are you won’t be able to top that in a thousand hours of farming. Congrats!

Hey, that looks pretty good.

You know you can filter out the regular rare items ans still see monsters infrequents ?
That would remove a bit of clutter when stuff drops.

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But…but…I want Infiltrators :smiley: I just tried it with switching the medal and the Gollus ring for the epic faction ring with +2 blade spirit, and also the devotion switches you proposed to make up for the loss in HP-reg, but when I was done I didn’t like it :wink: lost a lot of OA and DA, also 6% crit damage and a ton of manareg, so I switched everything back :smiley: don’t wanna have to change one of my rings or my pants, so I still need that Infiltrators medal :roll_eyes:

Oh cool, I didn’t, definitely need to do that, thanks!

Farming, farming, farming(singing to the melody of “rollin rollin rollin”, Blues Brothers version), nothing noteworthy for the build so far. But at least I’m used to killing Grava now so I always spawn both Nemesis bosses on the way for the loot, so I’m getting a lot of legendaries and blueprints :slight_smile:

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Update: Uploaded a SR 32 run to the video section(first answer to the original post). Build is performing way better than I expected, especially considering there’s room for improvement gear-wise(still haven’t gotten that stupid Lacerator Girdle :unamused:). No consumables used. Have not gone further in SR to try how far the build can go, will do that sometime, but I think first I’ll farm 32 for that girdle. Is it most effective to farm only one SR shard per run, or 2, like 32 and 33?
Also, what other videos should I make?(no uber bosses though, build won’t be able to kill these I don’t think. Ravager absolutely slaughtered me on ultimate when I tried).

Two gives you significantly more loot.

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Ah thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Another update:
I’ve officially given up on getting the MI medal with that super rare prefix(which has a 0,02% chance to be on there if I looked it up correctly in the spreadsheet), but I think the build is good enough as is, so I see it as finished and it keeps performing very well. Like I said, my best build and feels so good and chilled to play it, it came together so well, just love it :smiling_face:. So here’s the latest(and probably last) Grimtools Link with that Lacerator Girdle I finally got(with very bad rolls on it, but very shortly afterwards I got it again with much better rolls :heart_eyes:):

And a few more videos. I actually never had done Lokarr as he was added after I took my big break from the game.




Morgoneth(full run, including Nemesis kill):

Will probably upload a few more, not sure what though, maybe push SR to 36 or higher…


Classic :rofl:

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Yeah, got it a third time shortly after the second one dropped too :laughing:

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