[] Bleeding/Procs Caster Trickster, SR32

Hi guys, so I restarted the game recently after years, went back to my favourite build and optimized it with the newer FG stuff(I didn’t play FG a lot back in the days). And bc I think it’s a fun build concept I thought I’d present it here, maybe somebody wants to try it. Sorry to say it, but I don’t have a lot of time, so I probably won’t update this build regularly, it’s more to show the concept of the build. Also I only have one video to show yet, and that’s just normal gameplay, not SR 31 or the hardest bosses or smth, will probably add some videos later, but Idk if this build can even kill some of these bosses, as it’s not a super strong or even “meta” build, just a build that’s fun to play to me. But I’ll try to push it and see how far it can go, most Nemesis bosses are no problem at least…so, on to the build:

Screenshot is with Pneumatic Burst active.

Build Concept:

Pretty simple, the idea was making a bleeding caster, using Grasping Vines(GV) and Devouring Swarm as main skills and to proc a lot of item and devotion procs(bc I LOVE procs in this game, and I realized GV is amazing at proccing stuff, probably bc it’s an AOE hitting multiple targets and it also has DoT ticks where each tick has a chance to trigger the procs), and also using some player-scaling pets(Deathstalker, Blade Spirits) to also apply bleed and proc devotion skills. I find Falcon Swoop bound to GV particularly cool. And that’s it, that’s why I have a lot of items equipped that have a bleeding proc on them to add to the procs madness.

GrimTools Link:


As the title says, it’s still a bit of a work in progress and I don’t have the absolute BiS gear completed, but it already works very well. The gear I’m using is not all self-found, I used some stuff found with other characters, BUT it’s 100% legit and also at least reasonably possible to target-farm(talking about the 3 MIs used for example), and I tried to not include stuff that is extremely hard to get, as on the one hand farming is a huge part of any ARPG and also fun to me to a certain extent, but on the other hand I’m not a huge fan of farming for weeks or months only for one specific item, so I’d rather look for alternatives, and for this build there’s alternatives in every slot, nothing is mandatory for the build, but obviously some things are nice to have. But while for example Eldritch Gaze would be nice to have as a helmet(bc of the proc mainly), there is the problem that I don’t have enough physique to wear the Lvl 94 one so it’d have to be the Lvl 75 one which to my understanding is near impossible to get except you have a character lvl 65-79 that can farm for it(which I don’t have), but even then it’d probably take forever, so I use something that is easier to get instead(that lower version of Abyssal Mask is buyable from the Ancient Grove NPC). Another example is the MI medal I use, farming it from that boss in BoC is a pain in the butt bc it takes forever to get to him, costs Skeleton keys and he only has a 50% chance to drop it bc he can also drop a vitality version which we don’t want for this buid, so I’m using the first decent one I got after like 6 tries. The prefix is garbage bc I already have a ton of these 2 resistances, but it’s still good bc of the suffix “of butchery”. But for example smth like "Bloodletters …of attack/readiness/… would be better, but I don’t wanna farm for it that much, will give it some more tries later, but the one I got is fine for the time being. I don’t want to go over every single item, but like I said, I’m using the best I could come up with a REASONABLE amount of farming. And yeah, I got mad at some point when I had to farm for Manticore Eyes for the Deathstalker relic bc getting the 15 eyes took me way longer than getting the relic blueprint, mea culpa, still love the game, just had to rant a little in that other thread :smiley:

So I think this itemization is still not super budget for newcomers bc there’s still some random legendaries included, but there’s also faction items(like the amulet) and the MIs are at least okay to target-farm(the offhand drops like crazy in that area actually, I just wanted “of the oracle” and that took a while bc like 90% of them drop with “of decay” suffix which is not great for the build bc it’s vitality, not bleeding. But after like 5 hours I got an “of the oracle” and was happily done with that). And I love this part of ARPGs: messing around with the items, getting smth new you wanna implement in the build, but then you’d lose some other stats, so how/where can you compensate for that? Switching a component? Or some augments? Devotion points? Etc, just a lot of fun to me.
So yeah, this is the build how I have it right now and I’m already very happy with it, but will still try to optimize it, the fun never stops :slight_smile:


Obviously not the tankiest build. DA is fine I think bc of the Veil debuff of enemies OA, but the second row of resistances is not overmaxed properly, and physical resistance and armor are pretty low. Freeze resistance is terrible, so have to use Hoarfrost Ointment for bosses that freeze. Build is defensively mainly banking on high HP and HP-reg(1,7k/s with Pneumatic Burst active, Giant’s Blood brings it up to 3,3k/s) and also dogde and deflect chance. But it’s not a tank/melee build anyways, so you can always run away, kite stuff, let the bleeding and your pets do their work and slow everything down with spamming GV, so you don’t even have to do too much, stuff is melting on its own. Also can heal with PB and heal potions both, and if that isn’t enough use Blade Barrier to heal up for 3 secs. So I think survivabilty is fine, but have not tested it vs. the hardest content, so like I said, probably not a meta build, but still fun :slight_smile:

I think that’s enough for now, will add some more videos, but not sure when exactly, here’s the video I got which shows an example of a farming route for the MI offhand(there’s actually a double-rare one dropping!!). I’ll try to get as far as possible in SR later and upload a video of that. But first I think I’ll continue to farm for a better version of the MI medal. Maybe I’ll be able to get that ‘Bloodletter…of smth useful’ combination :wink:

I will try to read and answer to comments, please don’t be too harsh on me, have not posted a lot of builds, so it’s probably not that good…


Updated, improved version of the build(thanks to the great advice I got!):

Video of a BoC Lagoth’Ak run(for MI medal), 2 Nemesis kills included:

SR 32 run:

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Not bad :slight_smile:

Couple of suggestions:
If you’re using an axe and try to deal bleed damage, you HAVE to use berserker devotion.
Since you already have a lot of yellow devotions, I think Living shadow is a better proc overall than Oleron.
Blade spirit is a GREAT support for devotions, especially those with a short (or no) cooldown. Bind either Rend or Falcon to it.

If you have the reputation for it, Malmouth resistance has this that would be better than what you have now (Unless you find one more piece of the set for the 2-piece set bonus… if you have them, the gloves are pretty good here)

Place a scaled hide in your pants, you’ll thank me later. Your armor absorb is too low.
Use some augments to complete your chaos resist before increasing your health regen.
Your helm will need to be replaced at some point of course, try to find one with + skills in either Nightblade or Shaman. Right now, even a simple Fettan helm would be better.

Same for your belt. I love bloodbathed links too, but guthook belt is probably BiS here since you have so few +skill items. If you don,t have it, any craftable belt with +skills to either Shaman or Nightblade would help.

Since your build is centered around procs, you should consider using a seal of blades instead of the bloody whetstone in your axe.

Briarthorn band if you have it.

Blade spirit will not really have the impact you want unless you gear it up. Consider replacing your off-hand with a Scarab shell and trying to get it to 24/16 for a 3rd summon. Otherwise, you might want to leave it at 1 point if you have other places you want to put skill points in.

Here: I applied most of the changes I proposed so you can have a global view: Trickster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
The only pieces of gear I changes were the belt, a ring and the helm (Which can just be picked up from an urn, so that one is easy) But I moved augments and components around a lot.

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Thanks a lot for the very interesting and helpful answer :smiling_face: I will try some of the advices, but with some I disagree(which is totally fine, like I said, you have to lot of gear options for this build). Yes, I lack +skills, but I don’t think that matters too much, I got GV and DS pumped up a bit, everything else is secondary for the build skill-wise. The helmet definitely is a better option though, don’t think that Bloody Pox when-hit proc is doing too much, so +skills would be better. But I don’t wanna lose the procs of the belt and the ring as the build is centered around having a ton of procs which includes item procs, and I’m already not using (for example) Mark of Bloody Ends as medal which would give me yet another additional Blood Pool proc, but it’s only on the lower level version of the medal, which I don’t have and I don’t think I can farm without having a lower level character farming for it…
I’m already using a Seal of Blades in my offhand. Scaled Hide is a good idea, forgot about that one. Gonna lose some bleed resistance though, have to compensate with augments. The offhand I don’t wanna change bc of the bonuses to GV, and Idk what you mean by "get it to 24/16 for a 3rd summon, it’s already 3 Blade Spirit summons at 16/16. Maybe that got changed? Chest armor I don’t wanna change bc of the energy reg it gives, I don’t like running oom so I always build for enough mana reg that I can ignore mana management completely, but that’s just personal preference. I’ll look into the devotions, but I just love having Oleron on Blade Spirits bc it looks so damn amazing when they proc it. Same as with having Falcon Swoop bound to GV, just so cool and fun, so I’m not really trying to min/max the build to the extreme, but instead I’m mainly going with my personal preferences(as long as it works decently). But yeah, definitely gonna chance some things, thank you again for the valuable input :heart_eyes: You think 8% physical resistance is gonna cut it though? Is 100% armor absorption compensation enough for that? Edit: Man, Unknown Soldier looks really cool though, maybe I can manage to squeeze it in together with Oleron?? Back to the drawing board :smiley:

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wanted to say chest has no proc :sweat_smile:

unsure if aware, but swarm doesn’t stack on same target, and bleed/decay from vines doesn’t stack on same target.
Even if not outright mentioned, i’m guessing a reason Chuck is suggesting going more in on Spirits is they do stack bleeds (they infact just got “summon exploit” nerfed because of it :laughing:)

otherwise yea, i did a similar thing some time ago for the lulz, stacking bleed procs on everything possible, mine was terribad, but lulz is lulz :sweat_smile: - iirc it was also around that time i learned we’re 1-2 devo points short of getting “everything”, but we can’t get oleron, moggy, soldier+RR with 55 :confused: :weary:


Aah, very interesting with the bleed stacking, I didn’t know that, thanks. I’m mainly trying to get as many different bleed sources on every target bc I remember that that’s what you need to do for stacking. But yeah, spamming DS too much is not that useful then…

Sorry, I meant 4. At 24/16 you get 4 instead of 3

Oh okay, that would indeed be nice. Dang, gotta change the build a LOT then, just when I thought I had gotten to a point where it was presentably optimized :sweat_smile:

I also tried my hand at multiple bleed procs builds, hence the advice :slight_smile:

Blade spirit has 2 different attacks, so if you have 4 out, you have 8 concurrent bleed DoT that can stack on the same target. Grasping vine is great, but if you focus on bleed, stacking them doesn’t work as well… it’s still amazing to proc devotions and gear procs, however.

Speaking of which, the best belt if “moar procs!” is your jam is probably Lacerator girdle.


Oh cool, nice build guide :slight_smile: bleed builds are just so fun, love them! Only DoT I ever got a hang on, all my other attempts(like frostburn) failed pretty miserably iirc :rofl: Oh yes, that girdle looks nice, don’t know if I have that one though, have to look through my stashes…

Forgot about that: a single point into Phantasmal armor should give you close to what that chest piece is giving you right now, and if you have some +skill for nightblade to bring it up, it will work even better.

Alternatively, a single ectoplasm in one of your ring would also do (the +3 gain per second is nice, but the +20% energy actually increases the regen proportionately too)

Really? That mana absorption is as much as 7,5 flat mana reg? Wouldn’t have thought that…

I mean, some spells you cast cost over 100 energy, so 10% of that… multiplied by everything that’s thrown at you… It might not equal the energy regen from the armor… but it might be enough for your needs.

Try it for yourself. In any case, there is no reason to pass up putting a single point into that skill

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Okay thanks, will try. Just asking myself how I can get Blade Spirits to 24/16, that’s a lot of +skill needed, is that realistic without totally shaking up the whole build I got? And how much physical resistance is enough? The link you posted only has 8%, is that still okay? Or what is the minimum I should aim for?(have it at 17% on my build, but with less armor and armor absorption).

Anyways, it’s late at night where I live, so have to go to bed now :wink: thanks again for the ton of advice, no clue how exactly I’m gonna change up stuff, probably also gonna make a backup of the save to have a “before” save of my own creation without all the help :smile: but will be very interesting to see how much I can still optimize it…starting tomorrow :sleeping: Good night!

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Malmouth blade seal give +2 and are straight up for sale by the Malmouth resistance.
Reaper Legguards are hard to come by, but they can drop in Shattered Realms.
And of course, you can always change a few pieces of gear here and there for +1 to all Nightblade skills. The best thing you could do to increase their effectiveness is to replace your off-hand with a scarab shell shield. (Yeah, I know, that off-hand is really cool too) The bleed bonus on scarab shield applies to both of Blade Spirit’s attacks… so that bonus is applied as much as 8 times over…

My build is also a few years old, and before one of the last patches, there was physical resist on a lot more items, so I probably had more than 8% at the time :stuck_out_tongue:
I mean… 8% is low indeed, but it also depends on how much DA you have, armor and how much you actually get hit. My build is a skater: I alternate between Vire’s might, a movement rune and Shadow strike, so I don,t get hit a lot… It’s probably different for yours. There is no good answer here other than trying it out and see if it feels too squishy.


Update: I made a TON of changes, and it actually worked out amazingly! :smiling_face: Devotion-wise I managed to get both, Oleron and Unknown Soldier(sacrificing Acid Spray, so no flat RR anymore sadly, but I think it’s still way better now bc of more different bleeding sources), bound Rend to Blade Spirits and Living Shadow to DS. And gear-wise I was able to get Blade Spirits to 24/16 with just changing 3 items and didn’t even have to sacrifice any bleed procs(except the one from Abyssal Mask, but that one’s not that good anyways). I already had the blueprint for the epic helmet, the chest is buyable from a faction, and with the medal I got kinda lucky: Infiltrator’s is the affix I wanted for +2 Blade Spirit, crafted like 300 medals(the normal ones for scrap, the magic ones are better, but also way more expensive to craft), didn’t get one single Infiltrator’s, BUT then I remembered that the merchants also sell random accessories, and one of them(after a few reloads :wink: ) actually had an Infiltrator’s :heart_eyes: I also had to use my last Tonic of Reshaping, but totally worth it. And I lost like 150% bleeding damage bc the chest doesn’t have any on it, but I think it’s fine, stuff still goes down way faster now and I’m still at 2277%.

Build performs way better now with these changes, I just wish I could get a Lagoth’Ak’s Bloodbinding medal with Infiltrator’s affix on it, that would be absolute porn for the build! And I’m gonna try to farm for that, but that’s probably never gonna happen, gotta get extremely lucky for that, and these Lagoth’Ak runs take a looong time and require Skeleton keys.
Also I sadly don’t have the Lacerator Girdle, so that’s another random legendary drop to hope for. So there’s still a lot of room for improvements, but I’m also very happy with the changes already :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s the build how it is atm:

Will add videos later, but no time right now. Gonna start with recording some Lagoth’Ak runs with also killing some Nemesis bosses on the way, so I have a chance for the medal and the girdle to drop…

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Not a big deal for manticore, Bleed is one of the damage types that doesn’t need its RR as much. Plus, Manticore isn’t THAT great of a proc in and of itself.

One small change you might want to try is to swap the 2 crossroads and panther for lizard and lion. A bit more health regen at the cost of some offensive ability. Might be worth a try.

Yeah, that’s probably a lot to ask for.
On th flip side, you will be able to get other ways to increase Blade spirit to 24 or even 26/16 with other gear later on, so you can get any affixes on Lagoth’ak’s medal. Reaper’s legguard will eventually drop with decent affixes, there’s Malmouth blade seal and there might be a new shoulder piece with +3 to blade spirit in the next expansion… who knows, right ? :wink:

Blind assassin is a great choice here, good call. You might also want to look for the chest piece once you have other ways to keep Blade spirit at 24 or more, to get that set bonus.

Glad to see that it worked out :slight_smile:
Keep us posted on what you find!

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Thank you again for your help :slight_smile: I only had time for a few Lagoth runs yesterday, got 2 times “of butchery” in a row which is on the one hand nice, on the other hand meaning that with “Infiltrator’s” it would be double-rare, and if “of butchery” has a high chance of being on this MI(like “of decay” on the offhand) it does not bode well for the chances to get Infiltrator’s I guess. Still gonna try and make a few runs regularely, why not? Might still get lucky at some point.
Made a tiny change and put a Mark of Illusions instead of an Ectoplasm, not that much less manareg and the +DA is nice(was that always on there?). Oh, and I got oneshot by Grava’Thul, I hate that BoC is so narrow that I sometimes can’t get away from his projectiles. Still kinda crazy that he oneshots me just like that with 22k HP…gonna try to avoid him in future runs, don’t like losing skeleton keys for nothing. Benn’Jahr is easy, but Grava seems a bit overtuned to me.

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I would keep the butchery one if the prefix is good. your odds of getting infiltrator prefix are really low, and it’s basically just to max out Blade spirit, which you can do much easier by making a small compromise on your rings or else. You might also be lucky and have a Reaper’s legguard drop in SR later on.

Yeah, Grava is MY nemesis as well. I get killed by Kaisan or Ben’Jar from time to time, but If I can avoid Grava, I run. Still haven’t figured out how to approach him either. It’s instagib about half the time…

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