Found another build that is extremely fun to me, so I thought I’d share it It’s actually pretty similar to my posted Bleeding spellcaster Trickster build([] Bleeding/Procs Caster Trickster, WIP, SR32) in that it’s also a spellcaster build focused on one main skill that is an AOE and also uses as much on-attack procs and player-scaling pets as possible.
with Blood of Dreeg buff active
Build Concept:
The concept is to convert SoC damage to cold, lightning and frostburn via the Trozan set, also getting its CD as low as possible so it’s basically spammable(got it to 1 second in the build), while also using a lot of on-attack procs like the “of Fallen Skies” suffix and ofc devotion skills, and also using player-scaling pets, in this case Nemesis and Wind Devils, for more damage and also to proc even more devotion skills(also using 2 devotion skills that give even more - temporary - pets like Elemental Seekers), which all in all makes for a very chilled and fun playstyle, just planting our sigils everywhere and watching stuff die
Oh, and if wondering why I’m using Possession and not Stormcaller’s Pact: the damage absorption is really nice to have, especially with the build not being super tanky, I tested it with both of these skills, and with Possession it feels way safer and more relaxed to play.
Grim Tools Links:
- BiS optimized version(VERY hard to get all of these items!!):
- “Budget” version:
**Itemization/Explanation of the 2 different versions:
So this time I made 2 different versions of the build equipment-wise, bc this build sadly is VERY hard to gear for, at least if you want to min-max and have BiS gear, that’s very, very tough to achieve if you don’t want to just use GD stash to “craft” the best equipment, which I obviously do not want to, BUT seeing how tough the build is to gear for legitly, I did make a BiS version using GD stash, just to show how I envision the optimal gear setup to be if I can ever get all of it. But then I also made a “budget” version of the build, trying to have only gear that is absolutely achievable without months of farming. BUT be aware that even this budget version is still not super easy to equip, bc the full Trozan set and the legendary amulet are absolutely mandatory for the build to work as intended(the amulet is not mandatory in the BiS version, but ONLY bc the shield used in that version has one of the 2 prefixes on it that give % CD reduction, and these are extremely rare on that shield!). But I think the budget version is the most achievable one I can think of without sacrificing key aspects of the build. The videos I’m gonna upload are of this budget version, not the BiS version, so as you can imagine the BiS version performs even better(mostly defensively bc it has more HP, HP-reg, armor and secondary resistances like slow res. And offensively more SoC dmg because Destruction is at 22/12, on the other hand the BiS version has one less Wind Devil summon limit), but the budget version actually already holds its own pretty well. Personally I’m somewhere in between these 2 versions atm, I farmed a LOT over the last week, but did not get a lot of the stuff I want yet, which is no wonder, seeing that the chance of the MI shield to drop with the Supercharged prefix I want is like 0,2%, the chance of getting a Gollus ring with “of Fallen Skies” suffix is 0,48% and the chance of getting a Bysmiel-Sect Legguards with “of Fallen Skies”(I want that bc of the trap resistance) is smth like 0,38%. No luck so far for me, but I’ll keep going. The only 2 MIs I use in the budget version are really easy to get: 1. the offhand drops a lot from Yeti enemies, and the chance of “of Fallen Skies” is about 6,5%, so it is very achievable, got several of these already, and 2. the MI medal is also not hard to get, and bc rare affixes that would fit the build have a very small chance to be on that one I use a drop with 2 non-rare affixes on the budget build which is once again very achievable.
These are obviously more present in the budget version, than in the BiS version, but the latter is still not optimal.
- only about 15k HP and like 1,2k HP-reg/s with BoD active, which is lower than I usually strive for
- no “oh sh*t” button to use like mirror or blade barrier
- trap resistance very low, which SUCKS when encountering Benn’Jahr(that’s why I always carry a Bysmiel-Sect Legguards around with me that has a lot of it, but doesn’t have “of Fallen Skies” for the proc, so I only switch to it when Benn’Jahr spawns, and after I killed him I switch back to the other leg armor that has the proc on it)
- No Slow Resistance(have to think about how I could get some from somewhere…)
That’s all I can think of rn, otherwise the build is pretty decent I think.
Videos(will add more at a later time, only budget version used):
Farm run for Gollus Ring, Vampiric Bonewall Shield and Bysmiel-Sect Legguards:
So to wrap this up: like I already said this build plays surprisingly similar to my bleed Trickster build, but is not as strong, bc the bleed build is way tankier with way more HP/HP-reg and dodge/deflect chances, and also damage when kiting bosses is way higher on the bleed build bc the DoTs do still tick on the bosses while you are kiting them, while with this build it’s mostly direct damage(except for some frostburn) and the boss has to be in one of the sigils to get damaged, which is not that easy when he’s constantly chasing after you, so the kill-times for everything you can’t tank are way higher with this build than with the other one. But on the other hand every boss you CAN tank goes down even quicker than with the other build bc you can stack a lot of sigils on them which has insanely high damage potential. And I like this build very much, the blue sigils look so awesome, and SoC is just one of these spells I always wanted to have as the only main spell on a build, and now I finally made one that feels really good and fun to play