[] Cleric of the Three, physical Doom Bolt Witchblade - SR 36, Celestials

Hey guys, I’m new here on the forum and I wanted to share my latest build. Creating builds is my favorite part of this game, I spend more time in Grim Tools than actually playing. Also I have a twisted need to make builds I haven’t seen on here, which is pretty hard considering how old this game is and how many talented builders we have.

Grimtools : Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I believe I succeeded here in both making a unique and a strong build. It clears SR 36 consistently, and also all Celestials. I did manage to clear SR 38 too, however it’s not consistent so I don’t want to advertise it as such. It’s also an endgame build, as far as I’m aware nothing supports physical Doom Bolt while leveling.

Key item I based this build around is Mythical Inashkor’s Corrupted Head, which converts Doom Bolt to physical. Corruption is a cool weapon I wanted to use for a while and it fit perfeclty here with bonuses to both Occultist and Soldier. Rah’zin set not only supports relevant damage type and skills, it also gives an attack replacer to use between Doom Bolt cd, without the need to invest in Cadence or Blade Arc, and it also gives a big amount of physical RR. Helm and gloves offer no physical damage but give insane boosts to Doom Bolt.

Devotions are a bit on the defensive side, but the build still outputs crazy damage, it really doesn’t fall off even in shard 38. You may notice it has a lot of circuit breakers, some would probably argue too many but I prefer the added safety, as I fell like high SR is really rough for melee.

Since I’m new I have no idea how to format here yet so hopefully this turns out decent.

Ravager kill



SR 38 boss room


Maul is bound to Touch of Chaos, for some reason grimtools doesn’t show it.

Absolutely normal behavior. :joy: Nice build, it’s pretty unique.

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Nice build, i just dont like sigil here, i would give a try to maxed out wps instead of


Foehammer again first to comment, thanks.

About wps, first version of this build had them maxed, and the version with Sigil actually performs better.


Hey, gratz on posting your build.

Swinging one-handed weapon with an off-hand concept aside, I think you can easily improve it with better augment choices and different stat distribution: Witchblade, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (put arcanum dusts + cunning dumped).

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That’s what I was thinking too but maybe OP likes more DA and health for deep SR.

I figured as much but not converting attributes into Cunning on phys builds always feels like a mistake to me since Physical damage overrelies on %damage values to be effective against armor (and op’s autoattack got very small weapon damage)


Hey mad_lee, nice to hear advice from you, I checked out a lot of your builds.

However I’m not sure if I follow your line of thought. You traded 2k hp and 150 DA for 50 OA, 200 armor and 50% physical and 1000 flat physical damage. That doesn’t really sound worth to me.

The OA is nice of course but that damage increase seems almost meaningless to me, 50% is not much and flat damage doesn’t apply to Doom Bolt. Touch of Chaos is filler so losing that much defense just to add some flat damage to it doesn’t seem like a good tradeoff to me, especially since in practice the build doesn’t lack damage but tankiness.

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I think it’s about ~220% damage if you count cunning. Flat is irrelevant indeed. It was just a suggestion, I think you can shuffle stuff around to recover lost DA/hp, but those ring components were not really adding tankiness (Topaz or Crystal is always bis in terms of tank there). And then not having anything in cunning kneecaps your build a bit.

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Ahh so cunning bonus damage doesn’t show up in the second tab, only in the first? I never realised that. About the rings, I thought you needed 40% overcap in vitality, that’s why they are there. Did something change or did I have wrong information?

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Run sacred plating for vitality res; drop the chest component cause reflection resistance can be found in Solemn Watcher.

AA build with an off-hand rather than a second weapon or shield is always intriguing (though it’s really a caster, as you said haha). Can’t argue with SR 38, and all superbosses, though.


Your build looks so cool and mysterious. I’ve always wanted to try a doom bolt build with cd but couldn’t decide what to do in-between casts. Somehow you’ve managed to combine decent auto attacks with it and it looks awesome! Also that 123 additive Physical RR looks insane o_o

Devo looks neat, too. I love the look of this build

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Would you mind uploading a save file of this build? Or perhaps record some vids i.e. Celestial/SR/Crucible fights? I really wanna see it in action.

Edit: Question, does Touch of Chaos’ 20% Damage Reductoin work on Zolhan’s AoE?


I don’t think my poor laptop could handle recording. I could upload a save file if you tell me how because I have no idea.

Really nice build. Have you considered using Clairvoyant’s Wand for the 0.5 second reduction and 2 meter target area on doom bolt considering it is the primary source of damage?

I do know the trade off is -10% physical res, but you would get more area damage and cast time for doom bolt, and also gain some hp as well

I’ve never tried, but I see Zip files uploaded directly in the forums. And yeah I just checked, there’s an upload feature here.

If your Grim Dawn is Steam version, your char save files will be at Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\main.

Interesting idea, but I feel like the whole build would need to be reworked then, since Touch of Chaos and Sigil would be unusable.

_Inashkor.zip (500.6 KB)
Here it is, if this is what you need.

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