[] Enemies' projectiles interact strangely with inclines

I wonder if this issue is fixed by changing some settings of the inclines, cause I’ve notice this irregular projectile behavior for several times only since the v1.2.1.3 update.

Look at 0:10, 0:22, 0:26. The bolts hitting inclines bounce crazily and even fly into the air.

I can’t see your video although I have seen a very weird behavior since the last patch with ground projectiles. This might be what you are seeing.

I noticed it mostly with the lightning ball explosion effect where all the lightning balls will cling to the ground they are on and continue on not being destroyed. The balls will zip right up walls even ones that seem almost vertical or will decend into the depths of the lower areas like off the path in caves and such.

Very startling to see that happen!

Was this what you noticed?

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yeah, that’s exactly what I met

and at a insane speed😝

Definitely! :laughing:

I can see the video now on my phone. Exactly what I noticed too.

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ngl, i actually thought it looked kinda cool as heck :smile:
maybe from being used to collision or just disappearing before so cool because new/different :sweat_smile:

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Sounds like an upgrade to me!


They’re terrain following projectiles following the terrain.


I’m usually almost asleep while playing late at night when I have a minute or two so it was startling to me! :laughing:


I can accept this, but their ejection speed is a bit strange. Maybe it can be lowered?

Probably followed a rock hitbox off into heaven.


Confirming strange enemy projectile behaviour in, really obvious in the Devil’s Aquifer (Deepmire Shaman’s projectiles fly up the walls instead of disappearing), also in the Tomb of Korvaak (Bloodsworn Adulant’s projectiles changing directions randomly during flight).

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