[][HC] SR 40 Trozan Cataclysm Druid all celestials facetank :damage_cold: Cally ~2:10


Super tanky trozan druid. Projectiles, dots, many heaing sources, regeneration from giant, 3900 armor, shield from crab and phoenix that is always up, all buffs are permament actually due to 39% cd reduction+eternity.
1)Healing comes from wendigo totem, dryad with 1.6 cd, wayward soul, gloves,giant with healing increase bonus 46% + ~3400 regeneration from giant. Mirror and some circuit breakers present.
2)Permament % absorption, damage reduction, flat absorption
3)22.6k HP.
4)Animations are beautifull to watch.
5)Total RR is not very high.

Character's damage explanation in details

Each Wind devil is unique source of damage so the flat damage and the dot damage from maelstorm (modifier of the skill) stack, moreover when rhowari crown (celestial power from devotion map) proc raised by different wind devils dot damage from them stack also.
Each storm totem is unique source of damage so the flat damage and the dot damage of them stack, moreover Blizzard (celestial power proc) binded to this spell, which has like 7 projectiles (dont know exactly) do the great damage for big sized enemies (damage amount of each projectile can be read on skill), also this skill applies frostburn damage which stacks if blizzard was raised by different storm totem (Blizzard falls pretty often due to % cooldown reduction and relic eternity proc).
Trozan sky shard (TSS) is heavy modified by Mythical Trozan Set, so it damages hard and have small cooldown. The damage you can read on skill description is the damage of each projectile when its 4 of them are dropped each cast.
Then i cast Chain lightning (spammable skill granted by weapon component) between TSS.
At last there are some minor sources of damage like eyes from rings, hylrian glare (celestial power proc), Comet proc (from trozan set, also shreds DA of targets)
This all with good crit damage % bonus and crit chance due to big OA.

Incoming damage calculation by example

So for example you meet up Callagadra (not lucky). She hits like 13k physical damage each hit (can be calculated by viewing grimtools, it says 2k that should be multiplied by her %physical damage bonus from cunning ~7times).
So let’s calculate incoming damage if she didnt miss. Her damage shredded by cataclysm proc by 18%. So
13k*(100-18)/100 = 10.7k
first of all if it present comes % absorption (in our case 26% from maiven’s sphere of protection)
Then comes armor, which is 3.9k on average.
7.9k-3.9k = 4k.
then comes physical resistance. I have beautifull -4% phys res after her shred, So
4k*(100-(-4))/100 = 4.16k
then comes flat absorption from phoenix 188 (not much but heavy single strikes its not for what it was made)
4.16k-188 = ~4k.
That’s amount of damage that comes from only Callagadra herself, but she also has big tornadoes, these one hit like 5k physical, 5k pierce.
physical part can be calculated same way and it gives 0 in total ( doesn’t go through armor)
5k pierce is not shredded by damage reduction
then goes % absorption
5k*(100-26)/100 = 3.7k
then goes %pierce resistance which is 80%
3.7k*(100-80)/100 = 0.74k
then goes flat absorption which 188
0.74k -188 = ~0.55k
So you get 550 damage from each tornado. It’s two or three of them as i remember. It says Callagadra hits ~3times in second, but its not true becouse she is frequently casting some uselless things and each tornado hits ~1time in second i believe.
Now you have a clue of what to expect from Callagadra fight).
As you might notice big armor works very well with high %absorption and %damage reduction.
Also highed max pierce resistance with flat absorption helps well vs her (by myself experience).

The core of build - multiple healing sources

Mainly builds use regeneration or/and lifesteal as the main source of health restoring, may be + dryad, sometimes.
The top builds can even count only on lifesteal (mainly not good idea for HC).
Here comes special idea which can also provide good health per second restoring.
We have dryad with 1.6sec cd, 100%chance to proc binded to TSS,
Wendigo totem heal (per second i believe),
Wayward’s soul with 4.7sec cd,
Everliving gloves proc 4.5sec cd,
Giant proc binded to arcane will (procs when it’s needed).
These all with 46% healing increase and cd shred from eternity. Also giant gives good regeneration in addition and its almost permament in tough fights.
This idea can be used for some other any elemental damage builds, that have %cd reduction bonus and/or healing increase bonus, for example runebinder set.

Itemization, Devotion path ruminations

In addition to Trozan set Cataclysm set was used. It gives good bonuses to % elemental damage , damage reduction proc and +2 AS, good OA and it also easy to roll best properties through transmute, craft especially becouse its made from scrap. So 7 items are easy to get with good stats.

Rings are great becouse of their stats and procs, the only part is hard to get.

Eternity relic - irreplaceable, due to proc all buffs are almost permament, also build has many sources of damage and good OA to cause this proc.

Medal for huge DA, highed elemental resistance and also some crit damage + circuit breaker.

Pants. I had those, they are fit perfectly due to their suffix/affix + they contain OA and stun resist otherwise you have to put more points conversion, but build actually isnt very dependable to CC.

Hands for Health, proc, +4 to defensive skills.

Boots are whatever i crafted.

Devotion path seeks to gather all temporary buffs and healing effects as the main idea of the build due to its big %CD reduction + eternity properties.
I tried route with Ultos devotion, it showed worse damage.

Devotion path

Overall idea:

If we can’t make no one of desired constellations we temporary complete supportive constellations to reach requirements of desired one, then we rid of suportive one since constellations can be self sustain.

for this build (example)
+Crossroads: yellow affinity
+Crossroads: red affinity
+Crossroads: purple affinity
+Crossroad: green affinity
+Chariot of the dead
+Alladrah’s phoenix
+Harvestman’s scythe
-Crossroads: red affinity
-Crossroad:green affinity
-Crossroads: purple affinity
-Crossroads:yellow affinity
+Amatok the spirit of winder
+Rhowan’s Crown
+Hylrian, Guardian of the celestial gates




SR 40
special equipment Druid, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
(seal of ancestry+boots mainly) + good modifiers rolled out

SR 40 (another run, full)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8y96tmBtU8&ab_channel=orwund part1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOd7Umaps5w&ab_channel=orwund part2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlWKhh5jxu8&ab_channel=orwund part3


No T3 devotions? I like your style.


metabreaker)).who cares). i actually forgot to take hylrian glare proc instead of purple afinity (tried some another route) and fought without it…

Nice armored TSS Druid! I think it’s a valid approach. Few things I would recommend is using Restless Remains since you rely on adtch a bit and then maxing out Arcane Will which is extremely potent with this kind of cooldown reduction. Also Golluses and max Mog Pact dump would help with regen but I guess you didn’t go that direction on purpose having Dryad and Wendigo Totem.


Sure i will

Nah, i like eyes they help proccing cataclysm and eternity also they deal good damage and i am not needed that much regen i think.


Added perfomance, more description/information/ruminations + updated, sorry for my english language skills.
After returning from deep SR to normal mobs



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I would have taken ice and/or lightning RR devotions myself, but if can handle SR40 I can’t complain :stuck_out_tongue:

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In what order did you do the devotions?

Added to the guide

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Omg! You set Giant’s Blood to Arcane Will too! I thought I found something new, haha!
American’s say, “Great minds think alike”, while Germans say, “Two fools and an idea” hehe
Your build is so cool. It’s like Raijin Storm Spirit with blizzard


Hi, can I get some other item instead of these pants? There’s no chance I’ll get it :x

If you dont mind going sr40 you should be fine with eastern one + eastern gloves otherwise try to get nemesis’s pants with affixes like formidable, of nature bounty, of vitality, %health, etc. This variant of mine is very defensive


Man, that is a really awesome build and concept :heart_eyes: I totally forgot I tried a max CDR build years ago with a SS spellbreaker build, but using TSS is also very cool :smiling_face: am totally gonna try smth like this on one of my druids, but personally I’m just not a huge fan of how it feels to play with using TSS, just not my thing, so I think imma try a cold/lightning PRM druid variation :slightly_smiling_face: yes, PRM is spammable anyways, but the huge CDR is very useful and cool just for the devotion skills alone. Probably not gonna be able to kill Celestials with it bc I assume it’ll be much less damage with PRM instead of TSS, but still a fun and pretty tanky build I hope. Well, lets go to the (build) drawing board, the thing I love the most about GD(except for procs! Love them so much!): always a cool new build to plan and make, so much fun! So thank you very much for the input, and congrats to your build, I never had a build that was able to kill Celestials on ultimate, only on elite at best.


Thank you very much.

with devo route smth like that + wendigo totem you will be able to kill each celestial. And with invoker’s set the damage will be fine from PRM and elemental storm binded to wind devils, i think.
I wish you good luck with your build.

Thanks, but I think I’ll switch out elemental storm for rumor bc with the conversion from Farath’s Cube PRM deals mainly cold damage and Distortion already has flat RR on it so it won’t stack with elemental storm’s flat RR while rumor will add some % cold RR. Also with Farath’s cube offhand I can’t have full Invoker set, so I’m thinking about keeping Trozan set for the buffs to Wind Devil and the huge damage full set proc. Cast speed is gonna be a problem though, hope I can make that work with components, devotions etc, but probably won’t get to 200%.

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Hey i have been trying your TSS druid build for a while now, decided to try a version with more OA. I’ve been having a blast playing it, the perma triple pheonix procs are nutty and the hp regen and heal increase makes it just shy of being as tanky as warder. So far i’ve beaten most celestials and SR40, any tips on what potions/ augment changes i need to beat the crate? Thanks for sharing this build!


Thanks for reply.

it’s more about tactics neither items, you can try equip wyrmscale boots for elemental shield and petrify resistance or don’t change anything. Just beat him until he makes too many crates and beware of big boxes explosions, then run out from him. His boxes are very slow, so you will be able face him solo several times. He also will jump right from you so make sure he won’t do it to his previous spawns.I didn’t try Crate with this character.
Here are some examples of what i am talking about
Also i am not sure but standing on range from him helps with avoiding of getting his heavy damage reduction debuff

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