As promised, @Gnomish_Inquisition and @Maya
I’ve really been enjoying this new meta where health regen is a potent and reliable form of sustain that works independently of your own damage output. Most of all, the fact that it allows a type of build that was previously very hard to pull off: Pure bleed caster, which is something that I’ve always wanted to do. I also like the general idea, usually championed by pet builds, of doing basically nothing while your foes just melt around you. It makes for very meditative gameplay.
This is probably not the most powerful of such builds, but it’s one that I really like playing, and as the various tags used suggest, requires minimal input and is VERY forgiving of mistakes.
BTW, not a build guide, just a showcase.
There is no “main skill” to spam, no piano, nothing to cast “in between”, no panic button, no proc to wait for…
When you see enemies, cast Bloody Pox and CoF.
Add Devouring swarm if they don’t go down immediately. That’s pretty much it…
(I bind the first 2 to “scroll up” and “scroll down” on my mouse wheel, so I can just wiggle it to cast both, and Devouring swarm to the right mouse button. Casting those 3 together is basically just muscle memory after a while)
Ah, yes, keep BoD up, and try to remember to lay down a totem when facing something big… if you want.
While it may look like Bloody Pox on its own might not be enough, the fact that bleed is the least resisted damage type in the game, combined with our -158% RR output from just casting those 3 curses means that basically everything is taking 2-3X the listed damage.
The nearly 5k health regen, 32k health, 30+% physical resist, and 17% damage absorption will keep you alive while BP does its thing even if you’re not really paying attention.
I’ve facetanked nemesis while sundered in SR32 without touching a health potion… so in campaign, anything short of a celestial requires only basic cognitive functions.
Hope you enjoy it!
If you have any question or suggestion, let me know!