Well, there’s this annoying bug where, despite the Ultos’ Stormseeker not having any effect on the Wind Devil tree, swapping your weapon from it somehow makes the Wind Devils disappear.
Both it and Evoker of Elgoloth have 0 impact on Wind Devil (or + to all Shaman skills) whatsoever, but switching between the two deactivates the pet tornadoes. Doing the same thing with a different melee weapon (i.e. Voldrak’s Crusher) doesn’t have this bug.
Edit: Another bug is switching between weapons where one of them gives flat health (directly or via Skill bonuses i.e. Brute Froce) while the other doesn’t give enough % health to compensate depletes the character’s constitution. Seems like bonus flat health gives an extra update to the character which forces regen, while % health bonus does not, as the latter doesn’t have this problem.
Edit2 (to bring back the original for RektByProtoss):
Switching between weapons when at least one of them has a flat HP bonus depletes your Constitution.
Switching between Avenger Crusher and Mythical Korvan Wyrm depletes constitution on Archon, but NOT on Warder.
Switching from/unequipping Stormreaver deactivates all Storm Totems and Wind Devils.
Mid-fight, switching weapons sometimes suddenly becomes disabled for ~10 seconds.
Both Ultos’ Stormseeker and Evoker of Elgoloth have NO bonuses to Wind Devil tree whatsoever.
The way you describe “bugs” makes me feel like you don’t know what bugs even mean. If you’re gonna argue that alternately touching certain pairs of weapons depletes your character while other pairs do not is “intended design”, then our perspectives would never align.
my bad, i read Stormreaver and was like “that one obviously have pet bonuses”
for Ultos i’m guessing the game is mistakenly factoring in the +2 shaman despite not being active
a bug is something that is “not intended”/a code mistake, not something we dislike/disagree with or that’s weird "game effect"wise
i’m like 95% sure the constitution thing has been mentioned before and was said to not be a bug (was in relation to Word of Renewal even iirc)
that’s why i’m saying afaik it’s not a bug
as for the specific avenger crusher/wyrm archon interaction
it’s possible there is more going on overall char wise, like soldier making up the difference with constitution bonus etc
meanwhile archon has no such “direct”/relatable way to make up for the flat health difference caused when changing Brute Force value i’m guessing
a direct build link/example might be useful/make it easier to spot the exact hp v constitution interaction there
*quick test on naked archon shows it’s getting a health bump intermittently/temporarily when swapping from wyrm to avenger, like the brute force bonuses/mog pact/something is counted too early.
Weapon swapping quick/in rapid succession then makes this intermittent behavior very noticeable, as you can weapon swap multiple times before the incorrect temp health increase occurs and cause the constitution drain
I really appreciate your efforts to test these out. Even though I think it’s something else (because the bug doesn’t occur with other items that affect skills with bonus health, i.e. Voldrak’s Crusher which gives Heart of the Wild bonuses), the fact that you actually conducted tests show that you acknowledge the problem/concern and actually care about the truth. For that you have my thanks. I’d love to show recordings of my tests as well once I have the time.
Can’t speak for #4, would need a repro for that, but the rest are working as intended.
Wdym? Mythical Ultos’ Stormseeker, which doesn’t have any Wind Devil skill bonus whatsoever, is intended to remove Wind Devils when unequipped? Are you sure about that?
% health, not flat health
the constitution interaction only happens with flat health bonuses, that then cause an increase/flat increase to the prior floor
*you can also easily confirm this with regular items like rings or gloves with flat health just taking on/off, particularly noticeable with lvl 90 gloves with “of vitality suffix” that has like 1k flat health and a naked char
Oh yeah mb, that makes sense. But is there even any Soldier/Oathkeeper skills boosted by said items that give flat health? I don’t remember any. Even Mog pact gives regen, not flat health.
Edit: Btw I do already know the bug DOES exist for flat health, as I’ve stated in #1. My other concern is why it also bugs for Avenger’s Crusher → Korvan Wyrm for Oathkeeper (but not Warder), even tho both items don’t have flat health.
I would love to do further tests but so far I’m convinced it’s probably this:
The code for updating the char when swapping out weapons with bonuses to ALL skills in a class is different from that for weapons without. Let’s say +ALL skills to some class bonus weapons are group A while those without are group B. If you swap A to A (provided both items don’t have inherent flat health), there’s no problem. Likewise with B to B.
The bug happens when you switch from A to B or vice versa, as evident from the Avenger’s Crusher → Korvan Wyrm swapping discrepency between Warder and Oathkeeper: The bug occurs for the latter but not the former, as Avenger’s Crusher is group A to Warder (+1 to Soldier) but not to Oathkeeper.
I’m so far convinced it’s a char update code difference problem for A to B or B to A switching. I think this is pretty straightforward to test.
i dont’ know why it doesn’t budge on warder, since Brute Force points change should still on appearance change/do some sort of flat health interaction
my speculation was that the overall changes evens out on swap, so the flat health from brute force or whatever is then counteracted by the Soldier skill points adding physique/constitution +1 soldier.
So like, the total health addition on wyrm is higher than crusher, thus not causing a max health/constitution change because it’s caused by % bonuses and less flat health (total health 6500, 300 which from flat bonus)
so even if Crusher is overall adding more flat health because the total is less it then has no constitution to drain (6000, 500 which is flat)
*entirely speculation
Ooooh that’s another interesting theory. Would love to test that too.
And I think I just thought out one that hits 2 birds with one stone:
Do the test for Warder and Oathkeeper WITHOUT ANY SKILL POINTS INVESTED (reset everything via Spirit guide).
just tried, *keep in mind mine is naked
you can even take mog pact/heart of the wild, and presence of virtue/haven for health increase
and got no constitution flip flop weapon
not until adding brute force points did it happen
Edit: I honestly forgot Brute Force gave flat health that’s why I didn’t fully absorb what you were saying about it earlier. Now I just did. Awesome find.
Edit2: Imma backread all that you said again coz I completely misunderstood.
Edit3: Just realized I missed a big chunk of your point because I ddn’t know “naked” meant 0 invested skill points. Bear with me, I haven’t played RPG’s in a long aaaass time.
if you remove soldier passives and only take brute force+heart of the wild, you start getting constitution fluctuations on swap too for Warder
since now soldier points can’t counter balance the overall health change i guess
Just snooped further, just 1 point of Military conditioning (+5% Physique, +8% Health) was all it took to prevent the bug from happening. You were absolutely right.