As title says, projectile novas now are always rotated(?) the way main target ends up being right in between 2 projectiles. Noticed it on Viloth and few other enemies, but most ridiculous one probably would be Karnath Chillblood’s sunder nova in second phase - if you’re playing ranged, you can just ignore this skill and use it as free dps window.
Checked it with Shar’Zul’s Worldeater (the only projectile nova skill I can remember that is available to player), this is how it looks in current patch, targeting and facing lower training dummy:
we got a fix for skill_attackprojectilefan with an odd number of projectiles in and this seems suspiciously related even though this is skill_attackprojectilering. this would also affect the berserker wereraven cold snap skill. modding a bit to find out what might be happening.
edit: it seems to be consistently 1 less projectile than what it is set to at 360° launch rotation (and all projectiles at 180° which is the minimum launch rotation for the template), for instance 3 projectiles at 360° shoots 1 out front and 1 out back. to get the actual 12 projectiles you’d want to set the launch rotation at most to 360° - (360° / 12) = 330°, so for 3 you’d shouldn’t go above 240°. the other problem is that any even number of projectiles does not hit the actual target which seems to be using the same logic as skill_attackprojectilefan when it probably really shouldn’t.
sentinel sunder nova has the same problem, farming him atm for his bp. same with shambler as well.
there aren’t many and it’s mostly procs, calamity relic proc, mark of dreeg proc and so on. dreeg’s affliction relic skill gets around the issue having an odd number of projectiles (15):
Well, main issue (imo) is that all projectile novas now launch 1 projectile less than intended, apparently. Started new char, picked inquisitor, put few points into rune of hagarrad and was unpleasantly surprised to see it only shooting 4 projectiles instead of 5 as tooltip says (odd number). Basically, all such skills currently are nerfed because of bug
I found similiar issue. Fireball nova of Og’Napesh hardly hits the dummy/main target. And the number of fireballs is one less.
I agree that the reason is related to the adjust of attackprojectilefan and attackprojectilering templates.
Didn’t realize this bug was already posted about. It definitely effects gameplay negatively, by causing player projectiles to miss the targeted enemy (unless you are right up in an enemy’s face) and causing enemy projectiles to miss the player in the same way.