[] Rahn's Rocket: 4:10m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, SR 36, Celestials killer lightning caster Sorcerer [vid][cr+][sr+]

TSS was overnerfed, Canister Bomb is a bit stronger now, unfortunately

Totally forgot to add this ā€œnakedā€ run of mine, probably will not be able to replicate it, lol:

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sorry if noob question but why are there multiple choices like restless remains that affect on attack if the build uses only skills? iā€™m new and just want to see the benefit.

Restless remains is used to reach a comfortable level of cast speed, which makes your rotation smoother.

And the lilā€™ extra attack damage converted to health makes chain lightning (your ā€œfillerā€ skill on LMB) leech more, since it has a weapon damage component which can leech.

Keep in mind that the wording ā€œattack damage converted to healthā€ means that it works on all things that have a weapon damage part, even if they are spells, so in the case of this build it also works on devotion procs like Hand of Ultos and Spear of the Heavens.

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Where do you suggest moving points from to do this?

Flame Touched and Elemental Balance. But honestly, I have done naked Crucible and Shard 90 without doing it. I think 12/12 Mirror and 10/10 Nullification is needed for an extreme challenge, like Shard 100 or something. Otherwise 7/12 Mirror (itā€™s where the breakpoint is) should be enough for all the challenges you an think of. And for SR 75-76 farming and Crucible farming default skill allocation is more than enough in terms of tankiness.

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Dusting this build off again after monkeying around with melee sorcerers for a few weeks :slight_smile:

Any suggested changes? I think it may be possible, at least, to fiddle with components and augments a bit due to the resistance improvements.

Iā€™d say drop a point into Demon Fire, maybe reshuffle some armor augments. Other than that it should still be pretty unkillable.

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This build is indeed still a blast. Thanks @mad_lee

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Any changes to this build in

Drop a point in Demon Fire. Other than that, build looks like it still has everything covered.

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what skill pointts should we take out to max mirror and nullification when fighing celestials or deep sr?

Elemental Balance and Flame Touched\Ulzuinā€™s Chosen.

Hey, question that came up recently on the subreddit: Whatā€™s the purpose of assigning a skill to the hotbar in multiple slots (e.g., you have Rahnā€™s Might on 3 buttons in this build)? Is it insurance against fat-fingering it? Or does it serve some other purpose?

This is far from the only build Iā€™ve seen this on.

Just easier to find it in the moment instead of looking for this one last key. But I am not a good pilot really so donā€™t take piloting tips from me :slight_smile:

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It is first time i will be playing Demo build, so donā€™t facepam at my stupid question.
I have seen this build version with shattered realm set. What do you think about that?
OA/DA seem to be the same, and lightning modifier is just only slightly worse, while being much tankier (except i donā€™t get reduced cooldown on blast shield from ulzuin amulet)

why do you want more tank on a build that can kill Celestials, clear Crucible without any buffs and easy go to SR 8x?? tankier for what? SR 200? I did try Johnā€™s Smith SR Barrel Elementalist, even with 2RR, the damage is the same (since you can spirit dump and huge % dam of Arcanist), SR set build didnt win even on the ā€œtankā€ side, since the huge CDR of Sorcerer with Blast Shield/ MoT makes so much difference. You can always try these builds yourself and see what you like more, before asking those questions (and thats not stupid question at all)


Answering your first question: if i can be much tankier, and i lose not more than 5% damage, i think this is a fair trade. I suck mechanically at this game, so being tankier is always nice

The build you tried, is elementalist, so this is not a valid comparison, since i was comparing both sets on the same build, which is sorcerer.

From what i see, i lose ~5% cdr, blast shield cooldown, 3% phys res, ~100% lightning multiplier, in favour of huge amount of health, much higher max resistances, nice defensive proc and cc resistances.

Again, i am new to demolitionist, so i might miss something very important, which might make my post completely wrong

It already does all content and Shard 100, what more do you need?

Iā€™d say SR set would be a detriment here if anything. SRā€™s set main selling points - abundance of cc-res and easy physical res - are kind of lost on this build since it already has cc-res and physical resist covered. But the loss of Lightning damage would be quite palpable, and itā€™s much more than 100% (just look at Ulzuinā€™s damage bonuses, especially dot bonuses which this build utilizes really well) because SR set is heavy armor which will block huge Spirit investment.

Another thing is that this build has moderate to good passive defenses but for high end content it relies on the rotation of fail-safes: mirror, blast shield, ghoul, mark of divinity. Another fail safe from SR set will be off-set by the loss of Blast Shield cd reduction. So in the end you will have same build but with more hp but much less damage which means longer and more dangerous fights.