[] Runebinder Mage Hunter | Runic Bolts and Rune of Kalastor | SR30

Hi everyone, longtime lurker here, first time poster. I’m really into xbows in GD and I want to learn YouTube, so I decided to make a video channel dedicated to bow builds and post them there.

The first build I’m sharing is a Mage Hunter using the Runebinder set. It’s a well-rounded build which does SR30 comfortably, with lots of tri-elemental pew pew.

GDCBB portrait


Updated Grim Tools Link

This build has been UPDATED for 1.2.1 to account for major changes to the Runebinder Set. The elemental -RR on Inquisitor Seal was removed from the set. Now it grants a new rune skill with elemental -RR called the “Stormcaller Rune”. In light of this, I have taken the points out of the Seal and redistributed them. It actually plays much more smoothly now! I will make an updated video when I have the time.

The original budget version still works too: Grim Tools for Budget Version

Original (OUTDATED) build and video:

Original Grim Tools Link

Original build video with SR75 run (20 min)

I’m excited to meet some of you.
