This build was inspired by the recent devastation buffs. I decided to go elemental with Ascendant Hood mostly because of the purple devastation fx. Devastation (in this setup at least) is unfortunately not viable as a main skill due to long cooldown & stationary aoe so a support skill was needed. PRM seemed like the natural fit with good sustain, good aoe and even resist reduction.
- Helm: The build really needs a Magi’s prefix on the Ascendant Hood. Unfortunately the item is very rare so it’s quite difficult to farm.
- Pants: Dreeg-sect of Vitality and Anasteria’s Legguards of Vitality can both be used with any prefix.
- Shoulders: Without the ‘of Rituals’ suffix on offhand Moosilauke’s Pauldron’s will have to be used to cap Inquisitor Seal
- The build farms SR 30-31 quite easily, only struggling with multiple boss pulls.
SR 32+ is where the build starts to falter, struggling with sustain and incoming damage spikes. - Probably would struggle to beat celestials, but I haven’t tested it.
Overall, I’m not really sure if Devastation is worth investing in here. The whole build feels rather carried by PRM and would be much worse if Devastation was the main skill used. I think the Ascendant Hood needs a power increase or to offer some quality of life.
Devotion setup is based on one of eardianm’s builds