[] Aether Corruption not triggering devotion abilities

As of the most recent hotfix, my Aether Corruption (item-granted ability from Seal of Corruption) has stopped activating Eye of Korvaak. In a conversation with someone having a similar issue with Arcane Bomb, I tested and confirmed that I also cannot get Arcane Bomb to trigger from using my Aether Corruption.

I know it isn’t all item-granted abilities on my character, as my rune ability still triggers them. I know it isn’t periodic damage because my Ill Omen can still trigger them.

Grimtools of my character

Without it working at all I feel like I don’t have any good way to demonstrate anything through screenshot, but if you need me to test or upload anything let me know.

do you have aether corruption in MH or offhand weapon
do you have it on both?
have you tried reassigning aether corruption on the devo?

i dont’ know for the devs part/if it would help them, but you could zip up and upload your direct save file if on PC

atleast for my part/player to player, when i recreated your char from grimtools i could get both korvaak and arcane bomb to trigger from corruption on my hotfix v1.2.1.5 (likewise on my own older chars)
And previously there was a report where it turned out to be date specific/a char created way way back where shared save file helped to discover that

Symbol of solael’s Solael’s flame doesn’t proc devotions either, tested Aether corruption just now and it did not proc devotions. Other weapon components with skills seem to be working fine, but I have not definitely tested everything to be sure.

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yep, can confirm solael comp doesnt’ work for me either
aether corruption still doe tho strangely :thinking:

I can confirm aether corruption does proc korvaak. It doesnt proc often (less than I imagined) but perhaps thats just my imagination after reading this thread

korvaak is crit condition so depending on OA can be high/lower
i like to use Fort Ikon dummies since there are 7? so fair bit of trigger overlap

i also tried non crit devos and seem to be regular/relative frequent depending on the base devo % (25% roughly equating my char’s 25% crit chance resulting in same devo uptime/proc frequency)

I have the same build as OP. Aether Corruption doesn’t proc any devotions on Spellbinder. Main hand, off-hand, different weapons, 2h, 1h, scepters - nothing works. Other component-granted skills proc devotions correctly.
Everything works perfectly on my other characters with the same items. I tested Warlock and Cabalist since they share classes with Spellbinder.

While we are at it - Inquisitor Seal doesn’t seem to proc anything either. I tested it on my Paladin with fire/elemental devotion and Infiltrator with pierce devotions - nothing works.

Well, my Spellbinder is my oldest character… Here’s my zip.
_Thaeril.zip (493.1 KB)

Don’t think you did, but: Be careful when testing this with Training Dummies.
Pets like Inqui Seals and Thermite Mines won’t attack them.

They will attack if you use the Pet Attack command on the dummy. They will also proc devotion skills that way.

This is related to the following fix in v1.2.1.3

  • Fixed an issue with Celestial Powers not activating off of skills bound to the alternate weapon set.

We have a more robust fix internally for this issue, but it requires more testing. In the meantime, we will roll that fix back in a small hotfix going live soon, while the original bug will be addressed in the next patch.


Yeah, it works. I totally forgot about it…

Putting my weapons in alternate slots (button in inventory screen is pressed down) on my Spellbinder fixed it for me. Everything procs properly.
For every other character, it works properly regardless which slots I use.
Anyway, thanks for workaround.