[] Dreeg's Assassin - 2h ranged acid ABB Witch Hunter, SR 36, Celestials (Ravager of Flesh, Callagadra, Crate)

Hello, recently on my uploaded first build I stated that I’m trying to create builds that I haven’t seen on the forum, so here I am continuing that mission.
The build is based around Quillthrower of Dreeg, apparently a really unpopular weapon. I’m not surprised it’s unpopular, since it’s supposed to be used with Amarasta’s Blade Burst but it doesn’t reduce its cooldown, making it a bit awkward. And also I’m pretty sure Witch Hunter is not that popular either, but it’s one of my favorite classes, also the class I made my first real build with.

Grimtools: Witch Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Build consistently clears SR 36, it can go higher, however clearing 38 usually comes with at least 1 death. I managed to climb all the way to 40-3, where I unluckily got Manifestations of Hunger, which are already ridiculous even on lower shards so I got stuck there. I have a feeling it can clear 40 with some luck so I will keep trying.
Before I tested it i was worried about AOE mostly which turned out not to be a problem at all - on the contrary it turned out to be my healthiest shard clearer by far, boss rooms are not impressive but are still good enough.
I’ve come to realise the key to high SR clearing is %DR, high sustain and range. Would you agree?

When it comes to Celestials, they were a bit slower than I’d like, especially Callagadra, but still it’s a ranged build, I feel like almost any good ranged build can kill them.
A weird thing happened with Crate, just as he was about to die the game crashed with a runtime error, first time ever in months of playing. I was like ok whatever unlucky, I’ll kill him again. So I go do it again, and as I was about to land the killing blow it crashed again. That pretty much confirmed it happens as he’s about to die, why I don’t know. So I don’t have a screenshot of dead Crate, but I basically killed him 2 times.
I also skipped Mogdrogen since he’s the most mind numbingly boring boss in the game, and he’s weaker than those 3 so whatever.

Gear is mostly self explanatory, looked for ABB bonuses and conversion - 100% chaos which is huge for this build, 100% vitality for Second Rite and around 70% elemental and 50% piercing, which help Blade Spirits and Lethal Assault.
Lethal Assault points are pretty low but sadly I couldn’t afford Kuba Chausses since my freeze resist would be too low.

So, there it is. It’s one of my favorite builds so far, it also has a ton of procs so it’s fun visually if anyone cares about that. I also randomly discovered playing it that some bosses can be confused, most notable Benn’jarr and Ravager.
If someone has a good unpopular weapon or build suggestion I’d like to hear it.



SR 39 boss room

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Always nice to see ABB builds.
Few notes:

  • ABB already has full conversion of cold → acid from your crossbow. The buff from Lethal Assault goes straight to your weapon damage, which is then converted. You have no need for additional Ele → Acid conversion, so you can swap chest and amulet, if you want.

  • 13/12 Lethal Assault makes my heart weep. :sob:

  • I’m always curious what gives people such a hard time with Manifestations of Hunger. Especially when the build can clear SR36 consistently and Celestials, too. What ends up killing you there?

  • Not sure the 15 RR from Mark of Dreeg are ideal. You have access to Manticore or Revenant, both good devotions with a bunch of useful stats.


Totally forgot it already has conversion, you are right. I guess I could potentially swap chest and head for Venomblade, and amulet for Kaisan probably. I really like however using non set gear if I’m not using the whole set, kinda gives not set gear a chance to shine.

I don’t think this build would have a problem with Manifestations on lower shards, however at 40 they just did too much damage for the build to keep up.

It’s not super ideal, but the build has a bunch of other RR and I’d have to give up some of the current devotions to get more, which I wouldn’t really like since each has an important place in the build.

@username13 If you want to see or talk about (weird / theorycrafted) gun builds, PM me. Have 8 x2 of them (DW / 2H), covering every damage type with the exception of pierce and bleed dmg. Maybe you can improve them do them splendidly!

  1. Physical Tacticians ; 2) Cold Tricksters ; 3) Lightning Druids ; 4) Fire Sorcerers ; 5) Acid Witch Hunters ; 6) Vitality Cabalists ; 7) Aether Spellbinders ; 8] Chaos Warlocks…

Awesome job man. These achievements are huge, will probably switch one of my dead WH to this.

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Same, tbh. I also like mis-matching sets beyond their “intended” purpose. :smiling_imp:

Threw some items on here, some I use on my own Witchhunter, some I just tossed in to maybe show some options. Ofc I don’t know if this is actually better, just some ideas:

There’s also Mythical Vestments of the Great Guardian and ofc Viloth’s Ring.

Funny thing, I have a great pierce/bleed 2h ranged build, I will probably post it too once I kill Ravager and Calla with it.

I gave it some thought and I realised we both forgot something about the conversion - the build throws around 4-5 attacks buffed with Lethal Assault between ABB but they benefit only from global conversion. Damage from devotions - Murmur and Yugol - also gets converted with global, as well as bit of Blade Spirits.
So, this would need some extensive testing to figure out if switching gear is worth it.

Also wanted to mention - from your build link, losing Tainted Eruption is a big hit on survivability in high SR, I wouldn’t remove it.

Yeah, you’re right, I guess I am just used to spamming ABB with zero or near zero CD.
That alone would probably make me consider the Venomblade hat.

Hehe, I usually play melee builds, and I find that there having Tainted Eruption is a big detriment, because monsters running away means less leech.

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Alright, when you are ready to discuss the builds in PM (personal messages), feel free to.
