Hello, recently on my uploaded first build I stated that I’m trying to create builds that I haven’t seen on the forum, so here I am continuing that mission.
The build is based around Quillthrower of Dreeg, apparently a really unpopular weapon. I’m not surprised it’s unpopular, since it’s supposed to be used with Amarasta’s Blade Burst but it doesn’t reduce its cooldown, making it a bit awkward. And also I’m pretty sure Witch Hunter is not that popular either, but it’s one of my favorite classes, also the class I made my first real build with.
Grimtools: Witch Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Build consistently clears SR 36, it can go higher, however clearing 38 usually comes with at least 1 death. I managed to climb all the way to 40-3, where I unluckily got Manifestations of Hunger, which are already ridiculous even on lower shards so I got stuck there. I have a feeling it can clear 40 with some luck so I will keep trying.
Before I tested it i was worried about AOE mostly which turned out not to be a problem at all - on the contrary it turned out to be my healthiest shard clearer by far, boss rooms are not impressive but are still good enough.
I’ve come to realise the key to high SR clearing is %DR, high sustain and range. Would you agree?
When it comes to Celestials, they were a bit slower than I’d like, especially Callagadra, but still it’s a ranged build, I feel like almost any good ranged build can kill them.
A weird thing happened with Crate, just as he was about to die the game crashed with a runtime error, first time ever in months of playing. I was like ok whatever unlucky, I’ll kill him again. So I go do it again, and as I was about to land the killing blow it crashed again. That pretty much confirmed it happens as he’s about to die, why I don’t know. So I don’t have a screenshot of dead Crate, but I basically killed him 2 times.
I also skipped Mogdrogen since he’s the most mind numbingly boring boss in the game, and he’s weaker than those 3 so whatever.
Gear is mostly self explanatory, looked for ABB bonuses and conversion - 100% chaos which is huge for this build, 100% vitality for Second Rite and around 70% elemental and 50% piercing, which help Blade Spirits and Lethal Assault.
Lethal Assault points are pretty low but sadly I couldn’t afford Kuba Chausses since my freeze resist would be too low.
So, there it is. It’s one of my favorite builds so far, it also has a ton of procs so it’s fun visually if anyone cares about that. I also randomly discovered playing it that some bosses can be confused, most notable Benn’jarr and Ravager.
If someone has a good unpopular weapon or build suggestion I’d like to hear it.
SR 39 boss room